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Postgraduate Taught Programme Structures for 2002/03

Department of Mathematical Sciences

TSMA-AFM08: MSc Modern Applications of Mathematics

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
MA50174 Theory & methods 1b-differential equations: computation and applications 6 Credits
MA50181 Theory & methods 1a - differential equations: theory & methods 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 2 Unit(s) from the following list
MA30046 Linear control theory 6 Credits
MA30065 Viscous fluid mechanics 6 Credits
MA30084 Linear models 6 Credits
MA30085 Time series 6 Credits
MA30125 Markov processes & applications 6 Credits
MA40045 Dynamical systems 6 Credits
MA40171 Numerical solution of PDEs II 6 Credits
MA50178 Numerical linear algebra 6 Credits
MA50179 Mathematical biology 1 6 Credits
MA50183 Specialist reading course 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
BB20035 Genes & development 1 6 Credits
BB20040 Concepts in ecology & evolution 6 Credits
CE20016 Engineering thermodynamics 2 5 Credits
CE20018 Transport phenomena 2 5 Credits
CE20023 Chemical & biochemical reaction engineering 2 5 Credits
CE30028 Chemical reaction engineering 3 5 Credits
CM30070 Computer algebra 6 Credits
CM30072 Safety-critical computer systems 6 Credits
EE40044 An introduction to intelligent systems engineering 6 Credits
ME30029 Control systems 5 Credits
ME30030 Structural mechanics 5 Credits
ME30032 Aerodynamics 5 Credits
ME40054 Computational fluid dynamics 5 Credits
ME30061 Biomechanics 5 Credits
ME40064 Systems modelling & simulation 5 Credits
PH30031 Simulation techniques 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
MA50175 Theory & methods 2 - topics in differential equations 6 Credits
MA50176 Methods & applications 1: case studies in mathematical modelling and industrial mathematics 6 Credits
MA50177 Methods and applications 2: scientific computing 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
MA30059 Mathematical methods 2 6 Credits
MA30063 Mathematical biology 2 6 Credits
MA30089 Applied probability & finance 6 Credits
MA30092 Statistical inference 6 Credits
MA30170 Numerical solution of PDEs I 6 Credits
MA40050 Nonlinear equations & bifurcations 6 Credits
MA40061 Nonlinear & optimal control theory 6 Credits
MA50180 Linear Elasticity 6 Credits
MA50183 Specialist reading course 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
BB20028 Cellular neurobiology 6 Credits
CM30071 Application of logic 6 Credits
CM30073 Advanced algorithms & complexity 6 Credits
CM30080 Computer vision 6 Credits
EE30033 Power electronics 6 Credits
EE30034 Electrical machines & drives 6 Credits
EE30037 Computer graphics including multimedia applications 6 Credits
EE40058 Numerical methods in cad 6 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
MA50187 Project 30 Credits

TSMA-AFM09: MSc Mathematical Sciences

Students must take 5 units in each semester
At least 6 units must be taken from the union of lists A1 and A2

Year 1, Semester 1

Optional Units: Select between 1 and 5 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST A1
MA40040 Algebraic topology 6 Credits
MA40042 Measure theory & integration 6 Credits
MA40043 Real & abstract analysis 6 Credits
MA40045 Dynamical systems 6 Credits
MA40048 Analytical & geometric theory of differential equations 6 Credits
MA40171 Numerical solution of PDEs II 6 Credits
MA50174 Theory & methods 1b-differential equations: computation and applications 6 Credits
MA50178 Numerical linear algebra 6 Credits
MA50179 Mathematical biology 1 6 Credits
MA50181 Theory & methods 1a - differential equations: theory & methods 6 Credits
MA50182 Metric spaces 6 Credits
MA50183 Specialist reading course 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 4 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST B1
MA30037 Galois theory 6 Credits
MA30038 Advanced group theory 6 Credits
MA30046 Linear control theory 6 Credits
MA30065 Viscous fluid mechanics 6 Credits
MA30084 Linear models 6 Credits
MA30085 Time series 6 Credits
MA30086 Medical statistics 6 Credits
MA30087 Optimisation methods of operational research 6 Credits
MA30125 Markov processes & applications 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Optional Units: Select between 1 and 5 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST A2
MA40050 Nonlinear equations & bifurcations 6 Credits
MA40057 Functional analysis 6 Credits
MA40058 Martingale theory 6 Credits
MA40061 Nonlinear & optimal control theory 6 Credits
MA40062 Ordinary differential equations 6 Credits
MA50175 Theory & methods 2 - topics in differential equations 6 Credits
MA50176 Methods & applications 1: case studies in mathematical modelling and industrial mathematics 6 Credits
MA50180 Linear Elasticity 6 Credits
MA50183 Specialist reading course 6 Credits
MA50185 Representation theory of finite groups 6 Credits
MA50186 Complex analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 1 and 4 Unit(s) from the following list: LIST B2
MA30055 Introduction to topology 6 Credits
MA30059 Mathematical methods 2 6 Credits
MA30063 Mathematical biology 2 6 Credits
MA30089 Applied probability & finance 6 Credits
MA30090 Multivariate analysis 6 Credits
MA30091 Applied statistics 6 Credits
MA30092 Statistical inference 6 Credits
MA30170 Numerical solution of PDEs I 6 Credits
MA30188 Algebraic curves 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
MA50187 Project 30 Credits


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