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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

AR10016 Design studio 1.2

Credits: 24
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 100%

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To continue, through a series of four short structured projects, the exploration of fundamental theoretical and historical themes in architecture that commenced in Semester 1. The aim of these projects is to provoke students to ask - and suggest some answers to - the basic question, what is this activity called 'architecture' to which we propose to devote our careers? Through this unit they will develop newly acquired skills in architectural design and communication.
Four architectural design and communication oriented projects: 1. A design project that questions the nature of architecture and landscape, that focuses and highlights issues concerning architectural content and expression; 2. I.T. Project: An introductory design exercise using the computer, adapted to the varying skill levels of individual students; 3. Public Space: focuses on the public open space between and around buildings as positive (rather than residual) environments. The project is introduced through a precedent study and an associated reading list. The design is communicated through models and figure-ground drawings; 4. Building Design. This project is concerned with developing planning and construction skills by focussing on a real site and a more complex functional programme. In addition, there will be a requirement for students to keep sketchbooks for recording three-dimensional spaces analytically, both real and imagined, alongside ideas on how these buildings either are, or might be, constructed.

University | Catalogues for 2006/07