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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

AR10244 Design studio 1.1

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 100%
While taking this unit you must take AR10014
Aims: To introduce students to the following areas and concepts: Basic skills: 1. Creative building design. 2. Materials and construction. 3. Visual communication through drawing and model making; Basic principle: 1. That the above skills are mutually necessary and inseparable.
Learning Outcomes:
The successful student will be able to demonstrate the following representational skills: 1. Plan, section, elevation. 2. Axonometric and isometric projection. 3. Perspective. 4. Freehand and mixed media techniques. 5. Construction drawing. 6. Model making.
Freehand drawing, technical drawing, model making, verbal presentation, drawn presentation.
Formal lectures on materials and construction and on communication techniques support tutored design work in the studio. The construction lectures in AR10014 run concurrently with and are integrated into this. Sketchbook: Students are encouraged to keep as many sketchbooks as possible, recording analytically three-dimensional spaces, both real and imagined, alongside ideas on how these buildings are, or might be, constructed.

University | Catalogues for 2006/07