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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Economics & International Development, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

EC20155 Development economics 2

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1
Assessment: EX100
Before taking this unit you must take EC10009
Aims: To define economic development and review, from both historical and theoretical angles, and to explore different explanations for global variation in the rate of economic development, with particular reference to low and middle income countries (L&MICs).
Learning Outcomes:
To acquire an improved understanding of:
* the extent of global diversity in economic development and implications for human welfare;
* explanations for variation in levels of poverty and economic development globally;
* how the economies of L&MICs interact with those of high income countries (HICs);
* the relevance of economic theory to the analysis of the economic problems and prospects of LMICs;
* the relationship between economics and other social science disciplines relevant to understanding economic development.

* Ability to understand theories and models, to assess critically their consistency and relevance to historical material.
* Ability to work in a team to produce a short presentation, to learn from feedback on the presentation and then produce a balanced essay on the same topic.
The following topics will be covered: classical models of agrarian transformation and industrialisation; the post-war and current status of development economics; economic development, institutions and culture;trade strategies and the effects of economic liberalisation; economic development and demography; strategies for poverty reduction, including the role of aid. Key texts:
* G.M. Meier (ed) Leading Issues in Economic Development
* A.P Thirlwall Growth and Development
* J.G. Copestake Theories of Economic Development (on www.bath.ac.uk/deid/j.g.copestake)


University | Catalogues for 2006/07