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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School for Health, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

FH50009 Applied research methods

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Modular: no specific semester
Assessment: ES100
Before taking this unit you must take FH50001 and take FH50008 and take FH50010

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To acquire the skills of planning independent research. Students will be able to complete a literature review and write a research proposal. To explore in depth the tools for research, focusing specifically on the project chosen for the project phase of the MSc.
* Discuss the merits of qualitative vs. quantitative research as tools in healthcare studies
* Critically appraise a range of research methods available in healthcare informatics
* Define the most appropriate tools for a given research situation and perform a detailed appraisal.
FH50009 builds on the techniques covered in FH50002, and linked in with the residential component ensures that the student has the necessary tools and knowledge of their appropriate uses to progress with their research project. This will include the following topics:
* Project management
* Define specific tools according to project that is being created
* Qualitative methods
* Quantitative methods
* Technical methods
* Hybrid methods
Students will undertake an original piece of work which will comprise a literature/conceptual review and project or research proposal that may comprise theoretical, empirical or design components. Students completing the Diploma will be assessed on this report. Students progressing to the Masters degree will be assessed and will use this work as the basis for the study in either the Research Dissertation (FH50012) or the Work-related Project FH50013.

University | Catalogues for 2006/07