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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN50238 Project management

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Modular: no specific semester
Assessment: EX100
Aims: In this unit, the context of project management, its structures and evolution are introduced. Key topics then include project definition, objectives, planning and control under conditions of uncertainty. Management of the risks arising from uncertainty is addressed in detail. Quality is also fully addressed. Strategic aspects include contract conditions, contract management and dispute resolution. Integration of project management disciplines with general management disciplines are examined through other management topics, such as human factors, organisational issues, and team operations.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
i. demonstrate a wide range of generic skills required for successful project management;
ii. plan, organise, monitor and control all phases of a project under conditions of uncertainty;
iii. demonstrate an understanding of best practice in the management of projects both in the UK and overseas;
iv. take a strategic approach to project management and to relate project management to the broader general management and business context.
Students will have at least three years of professional career experience and, generally, be in full-time employment. Consequently, the following overall transferable skills will be enhanced by this unit (and the other five units making up the Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering Management).
* Ability to design and complete a personal programme of study;
* Ability to research learning material;
* Team working with colleagues and communications skills;
* Ability to apply reflective learning to their company and own personal circumstances;
* Ability to challenge the status quo and find innovative solutions to business problems. Against this background, this unit will encourage particularly:
* The intellectual skill to evaluate and interpret information and engage in problem solving, hereby demonstrating a capacity to think clearly and logically about project objectives;
* The professional skill to collect and analyse data in order to understand a complex situation and make rational decisions;
* The key ability to understand and analyse team dynamics and lead an effective team. Content:

1. Designing the project

1.1. Project Concepts
1.1.1. Feasibility studies
1.1.2. Project definition
1.1.3. Project proposals
1.1.4. Trade-offs between cost, time and function
1.1.5. The Business Case and its approval
1.2. Project Planning
1.2.1. Work Breakdown Structure
1.2.2. Networks
1.2.3. Gantt Charts
1.2.4. Milestone Charts
1.3. Project Control
1.3.1. Earned Value Analysis
1.3.2. Reporting
1.3.3. Data quality
1.4. Project Close
1.4.1. Project review
1.4.2. Post-project audit
1.4.3. Reasons for project success and failure
1.4.4. Lessons learned

2. Setting up the contract

2.1. Financial Appraisal
.1.1. Project Cash Flow
2.1.2. Project estimating
2.1.3. Life cycle costing
2.1.4. Sources of finance
2.1.5. Criteria for authorisation
2.2. Contract Strategy
2.2.1. Contract types and options
2.2.2. Choice of contract conditions
2.2.3. Payment options
2.2.4. Contract award
2.2.5. Contract administration
2.2.6. Incentives and penalties
2.3. Managing Uncertainty
2.3.1. Basic statistics
2.3.2. PERT
2.3.3. Risk identification
2.3.4. Options for risk management
2.3.5. Management of residual risk
2.4. Value Analysis
2.4.1. Value chains
2.4.2. Adding value to the project

>3. Running the project

3.1. Quality
3.1.1. Inspection, quality assurance and TQM
3.1.2. Culture of quality
3.1.3. Customer satisfaction
3.1.4. Elimination of waste
3.1.5. Continuous improvement
3.2. Project Organisation
3.2.1. Functional, matrix and task force structures
3.2.2. Choices to suit project objectives
3.2.3. Supply chain management
3.2.4. Collaborative working arrangements
3.2.5. Communication and conflict
3.2.6. Team building and team dynamics
3.3. Dispute Resolution
3.3.1. Causes of conflict
3.3.2. Alternative Dispute Resolution
3.3.3. Negotiation
3.4. Project Implementation
3.4.1. Project execution plan
3.4.2. Management of change
3.4.3. Software selection
3.4.4. Software management.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07