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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN50265 Dissertation / Project MBA

Credits: 18
Level: Masters
Dissertation period
Assessment: DS100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
The aims of this unit are to provide students with the knowledge and ability to conduct research into specific management and business issues. The learning objectives are: a. To develop the students' ability to carry out a research project in depth, either individually or in a group, b. To ensure the student's command in depth of at least one particular field of management.
Dissertations: Dissertations will be carried out individually or in self-selected groups of up to three students, under supervision by a member of academic staff, in self-selected groups of up to three students. Dissertations will involve desk and/or field research appropriate to their aim and may employ quantitative, qualitative or a mixture of research methods for the analysis of the material. It will be the students' responsibility to choose their research area, organise their research activities and negotiate access with other organisations if required. Projects: Projects will be carried out individually or in self-selected groups of up to three students, under supervision by a member of academic staff. In addition to literature study and field research, projects will also involve an appropriate piece of action learning. Students will plan, organise and carry out an event, a function or a series of management-type interventions which will yield some of their field material for action-learning. It will be the students' responsibility to conceive and organise projects, negotiating access with other organisations as required. Both dissertations and projects should reflect the application of principles learnt in the year three modules as well as those covered in years one and two.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07