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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Physics

USPH-AFB03: BSc (hons) Applied Physics

Years 1 & 2 not available in 2006/07

Year 3, Academic Year

Mandatory units
PH30036 Final year project 12 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PH20029 Thermal physics 6 Credits
PH30027 Signals processing 6 Credits
PH30031 Simulation techniques 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
MN10071 Organisational behaviour 6 Credits
PH30024 Contemporary physics 6 Credits
PH30028 Real solids, surfaces & soft matter physics 6 Credits
PH30035 Medical physics 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PH30023 Electromagnetism 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 3 Unit(s) from the following list:
PH30025 Equations of science 6 Credits
PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 Credits
PH30033 Low-dimensional semiconductors 6 Credits
PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 Credits
PH40070 Lasers & modern optics 6 Credits
PH40071 Superconductivity & magnetism 6 Credits
ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits


University | Catalogues for 2006/07