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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Psychology

UXXX-AKB07: BSc (hons) Psychology and Communications Engineering

Years 1, 2 & 3 not available in 2006/07

Year 4, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS30076 Psychology project 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 1 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS30014 History of psychology 6 Credits
PS30026 Public knowledge: history, philosophy, sociology & psychology of science 6 Credits
PS30101 Psychology of pain 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 2 and 3 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30018 Mind & social being 6 Credits
PS30083 Stress, immunity & health 6 Credits
PS30103 Attitudes and social cognition 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS20104 Personality 6 Credits
PS30077 Psychology project 2 12 Credits
PS30095 Child development 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
PS30059 The cultures of belief 1 3 Credits
PS30060 Science & religion 3 Credits
PS30084 Understanding gender relations 6 Credits
PS30100 Interacting with technology (for learning, work and leisure) 6 Credits
PS30102 Traffic and transport psychology 6 Credits


University | Catalogues for 2006/07