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Mechanical Engineering: Search the literature

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Specialist library databases

Find specialist library databases, resources and literature searching tools for engineering research on this page.

Use them to search across and access journal and conference papers. Some include other types of information such as technical papers, books and patents.

Search to find publication references, then click on the PDF link or the Library links button to check for full text access Library links button

Library databases for Mechanical Engineering

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These library databases are useful literature searching resources for mechanical engineering. 

See also our separate pages of resources for patents, standards and data and company and industry information.

Finding dissertations and theses

University of Bath research

E-book resources for Mechanical Engineers

You can search for and access e-book titles like any other book using the Library catalogue.  You can also browse and search collections of engineering e-books via the links below.  

Library databases: general and multidisciplinary


These major library databases index literature from across a range of subject areas.

Databases of general interest to engineers

What if the Library does not have the materials you need?