Introductory Mathematics: Algebra and Analysis

Review (translation)

This anonymous review appeared (in Italian) in L'Insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze Integrate Italy 22 B1998.3, p. 875 (The teaching of Mathematics and Integrated Sciences)

Another volume in the series, which will be of great interest especially to high school teachers and their students. The author's aim is to make a bridge leading to university courses in pure mathematics which can be easily crossed by any high school student. The style is therefore less formal than in the usual university texts, but more formal than in high-school texts. The book can thus be easily used even by a high-school student wishing to acquire the mental framework needed to follow a degree course in mathematics. The liveliness of the style, the many exercises (and their solutions) and the emphasis on concrete examples provide the student, or any reader, with pleasant and useful reading.

(translated from the Italian by Gregory Sankaran).

Geoff Smith | Introductory Mathematics: Algebra and Analysis | group pub forum