Provisional Conference Timetable

Week 1: Begins Sunday August 5th The book exhibition will be held in the Mathematical Institute during Monday August 6th until Wednesday August 8th. Springer Verlag and Cambridge University Press are kindly hosting a reception on the first Monday of the conference. Princeton University Press are offering a prize of 100 pounds worth of their books to the graduate student who submits the best paper to the conference.

Here is the latest information about the parallel talks timetable.

Sun 5th Mon 6th Tue 7th Wed 8th Thu 9th Fri 10th Sat 11th
9:00 Diaconis Vaughan-Lee Conder Diaconis Palfy Palfy
10:00 Vaughan-Lee Conder Palfy Vaughan-Lee Vaughan-Lee Diaconis
11:00 coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee
11:30 Conder Niemanmaa Kochloukova Wilson Conder du Sautoy
12:30 lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch
2:00 parallel sessions parallel sessions Excursion to Blenheim Palace parallel sessions parallel sessions
3:00 tea tea tea tea
3:30 Palfy Bhattacharjee Caranti Traustason
4:30 arrival & registration du Sautoy Diaconis du Sautoy du Sautoy
5:30 CUP & Springer reception pay bar
7:15 Cold Buffet Dinner Dinner Dinner Conference Dinner Dinner No Dinner
later pay bar Talbot Hall Music

Week 2 Begins Sunday August 12th

Tuesday 14th is Gorenstein day. Thursday 16th is sets and groups day.
Sun 12th Mon 13th Tue 14th Wed 15th Thu 16th Fri 17th Sat 18th
9:00 Krempa Solomon C. Pedraza Aguilera Thomas I parallel sessions breakfast
10:00 Robinson Stellmacher T. Pedraza Aguilera MacPherson parallel sessions depart Aug 18th
11:00 coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee
11:30 parallel sessions Lyons Havas Solecki Scoppola
12:30 lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch
2:00 parallel sessions Flavell Boat trip on the Isis Thomas II parallel sessions
3:00 tea tea tea tea
3:30 parallel sessions parallel sessions Kechris Klopsch
4:30 arrival & registration R. Thomas parallel sessions parallel sessions Pfeiffer
5:30 pay bar
7:15 Cold Buffet Dinner Dinner Dinner Conference Dinner Dinner No dinner for anyone staying on
later Organ recital pay bar

Geoff Smith Ugly face or conference home page.