\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{epsf} \title{Conjugacy classes of the Alternating Group $A_n$} \author{GCS: 17-xi-03} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle This note is to correct some insanity in Friday's lecture. In what follows, $n$ is a positive integer and at least 2. First we recall a general fact which we proved via working on a problem sheet: \noindent{\bf Lemma } Suppose that $G$ is a group and that $H$ and $K$ are subgroups of $G$, then $|K:H \cap K| \leq |G:H|$. Suppose that $x \in A_n \leq S_n$. Let the conjugacy class of $x$ in $S_n$ be $C$ and the conjugacy class of $x$ in $A_n$ be $D$. \noindent{\bf Theorem }\ $C = D$ if and only $x$ commutes with an odd element of $S_n$. If this is not the case, then $2|D| = |C|.$ \noindent{\bf Proof }\ Apply the lemma with $S_n = G$, $A_n = H$ and $C_{S_n}(x) = K.$ Note that $C_{A_n}(x) = A_n \cap C_{S_n}(x)$ so $|C_{S_n}(x):C_{A_n}(x)| \leq |S_n:A_n| = 2.$ Now if this index is 1 if and only if $C_{S_n}(x) = C_{A_n}(x)$ which happens if and only if $x$ commutes with no odd element of $S_n$. In these circumstances $|S_n:A_n| \cdot |A_n:C_{A_n}(x)| = |S_n:C_{A_n}(x)| = |S_n:C_{S_n}(x)|$ and so $2|D| = |C|.$ On the other hand if $|C_{S_n}(x): C_{A_n}(x)|=2$, then a factor of two can be cancelled from $|S_n:A_n| \cdot |A_n: C_{A_n}(x)| = |S_n:C_{A_n}(x)| = |S_n:C_{S_n}(x)|\cdot |C_{S_n}(x):C_{A_n}|$ to yield that $|C| = |D|$, but $D \subseteq C$ so $C = D$. Conversely if $C = D$, then $|S_n:C_{S_n}(x)| = |A_n:C_{A_n}(x)|$. Now $|S_n:A_n| \cdot |A_n: C_{A_n}(x)| = |S_n:C_{A_n}(x)| = |S_n:C_{S_n}(x)|\cdot |C_{S_n}(x):C_{A_n}|$ so $|S_n:A_n| = |C_{S_n}(x):C_{A_n}| =2$. The proof is complete. \noindent{\bf Example }\ In $S_3$ the elements $(1,2,3)$ and $(1,3,2)$ are conjugate. In $A_3 = \langle (1,2,3) \rangle$ they are not (the group $A_3$ is abelian so different elements are never conjugate). The conjugacy class of $(1,2,3)$ is $S_3$ is $\{ (1,2,3), (1,3,2) \}$ whereas is $A_3$ it is $\{ (1,2,3) \}$. Notice that the centralizer of $(1,2,3)$ in $S_3$ is $\langle (1,2,3) \rangle$ so $(1,2,3)$ commutes with no odd elements of $S_3$. \noindent{\bf Observations}\ In the lecture I speculated that when a conjugacy class of $S_n$ falls into two conjugacy classes in $A_n$, then the elements of one class might necessarily be the inverses of the elements of the other. Note that inverse elements do have the same cycle shape since you can invert an element in standard form by reversing each of its cycles. This speculation turns out to be false. In $A_5$ there are two conjugacy classes of elements with shape which is a 5-cycle. However $g = (2,5)(3,4) \in A_5$ and $g^{-1}(1,2,3,4,5)g = (1,5,4,3,2) = (1,2,3,4,5)^{-1}.$ \end{document}