\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{epsf} \title{Group Theory: Math30038, Sheet 6} \date{Solutions GCS} \author{} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{enumerate} \item {\em Consider the group $D$ of rigid symmetries of a regular $n$-gon (which may be turned over). Prove that this group has order $2n$, is non-abelian, and can be generated by two elements each of order 2. Show that $D$ has a cyclic subgroup of index 2.} \newline \noindent{\bf Solution }\ Each axis of symmetry of a regular $n$-gon either passes through a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side (if $n$ is odd) or a pair of opposite vertices or mid-points of sides (if $n$ is even), Either way, these give rise to $n$ elements of order $2$ in $D$ which are relections in these axes. Label the vertices with the numbers from 1 to $n$ in clockwise order. Suppose that $n = 2r+1$ is odd. In this event let $x = (2,n)(3,n-1) \cdots (r+1,r+2)$ and $y = (1,2)(n,3)\cdots (r+1,r+3)$. Now $z= xy = (1,2,3, \ldots, n)$ and $yx = z^{-1} \not = z$ since $n \geq 3$ for non-triviality. Thus $D$ is non-abelian. In the degenerate case $n=2$ the group is in fact abelian. Now $\langle z \rangle$ is the cyclic group of order $n$ consisting of rotations, and $x\langle z \rangle$ is the set of $n$ reflections mentioned earlier. This exhausts $D$ and $D = \langle x, y\rangle.$ Next suppose that $n = 2r$ is even. This time let \[x = (1,2)(n,3)\cdots(r+2,r+3)\] and \[y = (1,3)(n,4) \cdots (r+1,r+3)\] so $xy = (1,2,3, \ldots, n)$ and the same story unfolds. \item {\em Consider the group $D$ of rigid symmetries of the integers: so $D$ is the group of all bijections $\theta$ from $\mathbb Z$ to $\mathbb Z$ which preserve distance. Thus $\theta$ must have the property that if $x, y \in \mathbb Z$, then $|x-y| = |(x)\theta - (y)\theta|.$ Prove that this group has infinite order, is non-abelian, and can be generated by two elements each of order 2. Show that $D$ has a cyclic subgroup of index 2.} \newline \noindent{\bf Solution }\ Let \[x = (1,-1)(2,-2)(3,-3) \cdots\] and \[y = (0,1)(-1,2)(-2,3)\cdots.\] Now $xy$ is the map which sends $z$ to $z+1$ for every integer $z$. Now $\langle xy \rangle$ is a cyclic subgroup of $D$. Any element $t$ of $D$ which is not in $\langle xy \rangle$ must send $0$ to $c$ and $1$ to $c-1$. Now $t(xy)^{-c+1}$ sends $0$ to $1$ and $1$ to $0$. The definition of $D$ ensures that $t(xy)^{-c+1} = y$ and so $t = y (xy)^{c-1} \in y \langle xy \rangle.$ Thus the index of $\langle xy \rangle$ in $D$ is at most 2. However, $y \not \in \langle xy \rangle$ since $y$ reverses the direction of the integers. Thus $|D: \langle xy \rangle | = 2.$ \item {\em Let $D = \langle x, y \rangle$ where $o(x) = o(y) = 2$ and $x \not = y$. Let $z = xy$ and put $H = \langle z \rangle$.} \begin{enumerate} \item {\em Prove that $x^{-1}zx = y^{-1}zy = z^{-1}.$} \newline \noindent{\bf Solution }\ $x^{-1}zx = x^{-1}xyx = yx = y^{-1}x^{-1} = z^{-1}.$ Also $y^{-1}zy = y^{-1}xy^2 = y^{-1}x^{-1} = z^{-1}.$ \item {\em Prove that $x, y \not \in H$.} \newline \noindent{\bf Solution }\ If $x \in H,$ then $x^{-1}zx = z^{-1}$ but also $x^{-1}zx = z$ since $H$ is cyclic and therefore abelian. Thus $z^2 = 1$. A cyclic group can contain at most one subgroup of order $2$, and so $x = z = xy$ so $y = 1$ which contradicts $o(y) = 2$. Therefore $x \not \in H$. If $y \in H$ then $x = zy \in H$ which we know is not the case, so $y \not \in H$. \item {\em Prove that $|G:H| = 2$.} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ Since $x^{-1} = x$ and $y^{-1} = y$, and both $x$ and $y$ square to $1$, any element of $D$ must be either $1$, or $xyx\cdots xyx$ or $yxy\cdots yxy$ or a power of $z$. Now $xyx\cdots xyx \in x \langle z \rangle$ and $yxy\cdots yxy = xxyxy\cdots yxy \in x \langle z \rangle$. Thus the index of $H$ is at most 2. Since $x \not \in H$ it follows that $|G:H| = 2$. \item {\em Let $n = o(z) \in \mathbb N \cup \{ \infty\}.$ For each possible value of $n$ let $G$ be called $D_n$. Show that the multiplication in $D_n$ is completely determined (i.e. the number $n$ nails down the group).} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ We have shown that in each group $D$ there is a cyclic subgroup $H = \langle z \rangle$ of index $2$, and that $xH \not = H$. Therefore every element of $D_n$ is uniquely expressible at $x^\varepsilon h$ where $\varepsilon \in \{0,1\}$ and $h \in H$. Note that $z^x = z^{-1}$ so $h^x = h^{-1}$ for all $h \in H$. Multiplication is as follows: suppose that $h, k \in H = \langle z \rangle.$ We have \[ \begin{array}{rcl} h \cdot k & = & hk\\ h \cdot xk k & = & x h^x k = xh^{-1}k\\ xh \cdot k & = & xhk \\ xh \cdot xk & = & h^xk = h^{-1}k \end{array}\] Thus the only issue is how multiplication happens in $H$, but $H = \langle s \rangle$ is cyclic and its multiplication is determined by the single number $n = o(s)$. \item {\em For each $n \in \mathbb N \cup \{ \infty\}$, determine the centre of $D_n$.} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ There is no group $D_1$. The group $D_2$ is of order 4 and so is abelian. Let us suppose that $n \geq 3$. Now $\langle xy \rangle$ contains at most one element of order 2. If $n$ is odd or infinite, there is no such element, but if $n = 2r$ is even, there is such an element $w=z^{r}$ and since $w^x = w^y = w$, $w$ is central. If $t = xz^m$ is in $D_n$ but not in $H = \langle xy \rangle$ for some integer $m$, then $t^y = yxyyz^my = xxyxyyz^my = xz^2z^{-m}.$ Now $t^y = 1$ if and only if $z^{2m} = z^2$ so $o(z)$ divides $2m-2$. However $t^x = t$ if and only if $xz^m = xz^{-m}$ and so $o(z)$ divides $2m$. Thus if $t$ is central then $o(z)$ must divide both $2m-2$ and $2m$ and so must divide $2$. Thus for $n > 2$ the centre of $D_n$ is the trivial subgroup unless $n$ is finite and even, in which case the centre of $D_n$ is $\{ 1, z^{n/2}\}$, a cyclic subgroup of order $2$. \item {\em Determine the conjugacy classes of $D_8$.} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ I meant to ask about $D_4$, so we will do both cases. Let $G$ be the group under discussion. It is easy to verify that the centralizer of $x$ has order 4, and is $\{1, z^2, x, xz^2\}.$ Therefore the conjugacy class of $x$ in $D_4$ has size $2$. Note that $x^y = yxy = xxyxy = xz^2$. Thus the conjugacy class of $x$ is $\{x, xz^2\}$. Now $y = xz$ and the centralizer of $xz$ at least contains $1, xz, z^2$ and $xz^3$ so the conjugacy class of $y$ has size at most 2. However $y^x = xyx = zx = xz^{-1} = xz^3.$ Thus the conjugacy class of $y$ ($=xz$) is $\{ xz, xz^3 \}$. The centre of $G$ is $\{1,z^2\}$ and so each of the elements of this set is in a conjugacy class of size 1. Finally, the elements $z$ and $z^3$ are non-central and therefore are in conjugacy classes of size greater than 1. The remaining conjugacy class is therefore $\{z, z^3\}$. In summary, the conjugacy classes of $D_4$ are \[ \{1\},\ \{z^2\},\ \{z,z^3\},\ \{x, xz^2\}\] and \[\{xz, xz^3\}.\] Let us work with $D_8$. The centralizer of $x$ contains $1, x, z^4$ and $xz^4$ so the conjugacy class of $x$ has size at most $16/4 = 4$. Now $x^y = yxy = xz^2$, and $x^{yx} = xz^6$ and $x^{yxy} = xz^2z^2 = xz^4$. Thus the conjugacy class of $x$ is $\{ x, xz^2, xz^4, xz^6\}.$ Similar calculations reveal that the conjugacy class of $y = xz$ is $\{xz, xz^3, xz^5, xz^7\}.$ The elements of $H$ are all centralized by $H$ and so are either central, or are in conjugacy classes of size 2. Each element of $H$ is conjugate to its inverse. Therefore the conjugacy classes of $D_8$ are \[ \{x,xz^2,xz^4,xz^6\},\ \{xz, xz^3, xz^5, xz^7\},\ \{1\},\ \{z^4\},\ \{z,z^7\},\ \{z^2,z^6\}\] and \[\{z^3,z^5\}.\] \item {\em Do you recognize $D_6$?} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ I meant to ask about $D_3$, a non-abelian group of order 6, which is a copy of $S_3$. Notice that $S_3$ is generated by two distinct elements of order 2 (as one should expect). \end{enumerate} \item Suppose that $G$ is a non-abelian finite group of order $2p$ where $p$ is a prime number. Prove that $G$ is generated by two elements order 2. \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ The fact that $G$ is non-abelian forces the prime $p$ to be odd. The group $G$ contains an element $x$ of order $2$ and an element $t$ of order $p$ by Cauchy's theorem. Now $G = \langle x, t \rangle$ is non-abelian so $x$ and $t$ do not commute. Now $y = x^t \not = 1$ and $y^2 = t^{-1}xxt = 1$ so $y$ has order $2$. Let $T = \langle x,y \rangle$ so $T$ has even order more than 2, and dividing $2p$. Therefore $T = G$ and by previous theory, $G$ is a copy of $D_p$. \item We define a subgroup $Q$ of $S_8$ by letting $i = (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8)$, $j = (1,5,3,7)(2,8,4,6)$ ({\bf and NOT $(2,6,4,8)$ as earlier stated}) and put $Q = \langle i, j \rangle$. Let $k = ij$ and $z = i^2$. {\em This group was the basis of William Rowan Hamilton's generalization of the complex numbers called the {\rm Quaternions.}} \begin{enumerate} \item Show that $i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = z$ and $z^2 = 1$.\newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ This is routine. \item Show that $ij = k$, $jk = i$ and $ki = j$.\newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ This is routine. \item Show that $ji = zk$, $kj = zi$ and $ik = zj$.\newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ This is routine. \item Show that $z$ is in the centre of $Q$.\newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ $z = i^2 = j^2$ so $z$ commutes with both $i$ and $j$, so $z$ is central. \item Show that $Q = \langle i \rangle \cup z \langle i \rangle$. \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ This is nonsense. $z \in \langle i \rangle$ and therefore $\langle i \rangle \cup z \langle i \rangle = \langle i \rangle.$ However, for any element $u \not \in \langle i \rangle$ it will be the case that $Q = \langle i \rangle \cup u \langle i \rangle$. The choices for $u$ are $j, zj, k$ and $zk$. Let us choose $u$ to be $k$, and demonstrate this decomposition in this case. Any element of $Q$ is a word in $i$ and $j$. Now $j = ik^{-1} = ik^3$ so every element of $Q$ is a word in $i$ and $k$ (with positive exponents). Now any occurrence of $ik$ can be replaced by $kiz$ Using this repeatedly the $k$s can migrate to the left. When this is done use $z = i^2$ to eliminate $z$. If the power of $k$ involved is even, then use $k^{2n } = i^{2n}$ to eliminate $k$. If the power of $k$ involved is odd, all but one $k$ can be eliminated. Thus $Q = \langle i \rangle \cup k \langle i \rangle.$ \item Show that $|Q| = 8$.\newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ This follows immediately from the previous part. \item Show that $Q$ and $D_8$ (in Question 1) are both non-abelian groups of order 8, but they contain different numbers of elements of order 4. .\newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ I meant to write `Show that $Q$ and $D_4$ (in Question 1) are both non-abelian groups of order 8,' I fear that $D_8$ has order 16. In $D_4$ there are 5 involutions; there are 4 reflections and one rotation through $\pi$. In $Q$ however, only $z$ has order 2. One may verify tha t the remaining six non-identity elements of $Q$ all have order 4. Now $Q$ is non-abelian since $ij \not = ji$. $D_4$ is non-abelian because $xy \not = yx$. \item {\em Determine the conjugacy classes of $Q$.} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution }\ They are \[ \{ 1 \},\ \{ z\},\ \{i,zi\},\ \{j,zj\} \mbox{ and }\{k,zk\}.\] There are any number of ways to demonstrate this. \item {\em On which bridge are the quaternions inscribed?} \newline \noindent {\bf Solution} The Sir William Rowan Hamilton Bridge, Dublin. \end{enumerate} \item Let $G$ denote the set of invertible $n$ by $n$ matrices with complex entries. This is a group under multiplication of matrices. Give a transversal for the conjugacy classes of $G$. {\em Hint: the course MA20012 does this (and not much else).} \newline \noindent{\bf Solution }\ Jordan normal forms with ``$\lambda$'' non-zero. \item Show that if $N$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, then $N$ must be a union of conjugacy classes of $G$ including the conjugacy class of the identity element. Deduce that the only normal subgroups of $A_5$ are $1$ and $A_5$, but that $A_4$ has a normal subgroup $M$ which is neither 1 nor $A_4$.\newline \noindent{\bf Solution }\ Since $g^{-1}Ng = N$ for all $g \in G$, it follows that if $n \in B$, then the conjugacy class of $n$ is a subset of $N$. The conjugacy classes of $A_5$ are the conjugates of $id$, $(1,2,3)$, $(1,2)(3,4)$, $(1,2,3,4,5)$ and $(1,2,3,5,4)$. These conjugacy classes have sizes $1,20,15,12$ and $12$ respectively. The only sums these sizes which include 1 and which divide 60 are 1 and 60, so $A_5$ is a simple group. An analogous calculation for $A_4$ yields that the conjugacy classes of $A_4$ have sizes $1, 3, 4$ and $4$. In this case $1+3$ is a divisor of 12, so it is possible that there is a normal subgroup of size 4. It so happens that \[\{ id,\ (1,2)(3,4),\ (1,3)(2,4),\ (1,4)(2,3) \}\] is a (normal) subgroup of $A_4$ of this order. \end{enumerate} \end{document}