\documentclass{article} \pagestyle{plain} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \title{MATH0037 Galois Theory 2000} \author{Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory} \date{Version 1} \begin{document} \maketitle We work with subfields of $\mathbb C$ throughout, so field extensions $K \leq L$ of finite degree (i.e. $| L:K| = dim_K L < \infty$) must be simple (i.e. there is $\theta \in L$ such that $L = K(\theta)$. Also recall that an {\em algebraic number field} $M$ is a subfield if $\mathbb C$ such that $|M:\mathbb Q| < \infty$. At this stage we assume that we have proved that if $G$ is the Galois group of finite normal field extension inside $\mathbb C$, then $|G|$ is the degree of the extension. Let $\Sigma$ be an algebraic number field which is a splitting field of some $f \in \mathbb Q[X]$ (so the extension $\mathbb Q \leq \Sigma$ is normal). Let $G = \mbox{Gal}_{\mathbb Q} \Sigma$. To each subfield $L$ of $\Sigma$ we associate the subgroup $L^* = \mbox{Gal}_L\Sigma$ of $G$. To each subgroup $H$ of $G$ we associate the subfield $H^\dagger$ of $\Sigma$ consisting of the elements of $\Sigma$ which are fixed by each element of $H$. We have already proved that $|G| = |\Sigma : \mathbb Q|$. \noindent{\bf Fundamental Theorem} The maps $^*$ and $^\dagger$ are mutually inverse bijections between the collection of all fields intermediate between $\mathbb Q$ and $\Sigma$ and the set of all subgroups of $G$. An intermediate field $M$ is a normal extension of $\mathbb Q$ if and only if $M^*$ is a normal subgroup of $G$. In this event $\mbox{Gal}_{\mathbb Q} M \simeq G/M^*$. Furthermore the correspondence is such that if $M$ is an intermediate field then $|\Sigma:M| = |M^*|$ and $|M:\mathbb Q| = |G:M^*|.$ \noindent{\bf Proof}\ Suppose that $L$ is an intermediate field. We prove that that ${L^*}^\dagger = L$. For formal reasons $L \leq {L^*}^\dagger \leq \Sigma$. Now the field extension $L \leq \Sigma$ is a normal extension (since $\Sigma$ can be obtained by adjoining the roots of $f$ to $L$). If $L = \Sigma$, then ${L^*}^\dagger =L$ so we are done. Thus we may assume that $L$ is a proper subfield of $\Sigma$. Choose $\theta \in \Sigma - L$. Let $\theta$ have minimum polynomial $h \in L[X]$ with deg $h \geq 2$. Now Let $\theta'$ be a different root of $h$ in $\Sigma$. The fields $L(\theta)$ and $L(\theta')$ are isomorphic via an isomorphism fixing $L$ and sending $\theta$ to $\theta'$. This isomorphism then lifts to an element $g \in \mbox{Gal}_L\Sigma = L^*$ sending $\theta$ to $\theta'$ (as was discussed earlier in the course). Thus the fixed field of $L^*$ is $L$ and so $L = {L^*}^\dagger$ as required. Now we begin again, and start with $H$ a subgroup of $G$. The fixed field of $H$ is $H^\dagger$. Select $\psi$ so that $\Sigma = H^\dagger(\psi)$. Choose $id = g_1, \ldots, g_m$ to be a sequence of elements of $H$ of maximal length so that the quantities $\psi g_i$ are distinct. Now if $g \in H$ this must be the same list as $\psi g_ig$ as $i$ ranges from 1 to $m$ else we violate the maximality of $m$. Now consider $p = \prod_i [X - \psi g_i]$. This polynomial has coefficients which are unchanged by the application of any element of $H$, so are in the fixed field of $H$ which is $H^\dagger$. Thus the minimum polynomial of $\psi$ in $H^\dagger[X]$ must divide $p$ and so $|\Sigma : H^\dagger| \leq m \leq |H|$. However, $|\Sigma : H^\dagger[X]| = |{H^\dagger}^*|$ since the extension $H^\dagger \leq \Sigma$ is finite and normal. Thus $|{H^\dagger}^*| \leq |H|$. However, $H \leq {H^\dagger}^*$ for formal reasons so $H = {H^\dagger}^*$. We now move on to questions of normality. Suppose that $L$ is an intermediate field and that $\alpha \in G$. It is a formality to check that the fixed field of $L\alpha$ is $\alpha^{-1}L\alpha$. If the extension $\mathbb Q \leq L$ is normal then $L$ is a splitting field of some rational polynomial, the roots of which must be permuted by any $\alpha$ in $G$, so each $L\alpha = L$ and so each $\alpha^{-1}L\alpha = L$. On the other hand, if $L$ is not a normal extension, then there exists an irreducible rational polynomial $q$ with one root $\zeta \in L$ and another root $\zeta' \in \Sigma - L$. The isomorphism $\mathbb Q(\zeta) \rightarrow \mathbb Q(\zeta')$ which sends $\zeta \mapsto \zeta'$ extends to an element $\beta \in G$ such that $L\beta \not = L$, and so $\beta^{-1}L^*\beta \not = L$. Thus $L$ is a normal extension of $\mathbb Q$ if and only if $L$ is a normal subgroup of $G$. Now suppose that $L$ is a normal subgroup of $G$, so $\mathbb Q \leq L$ is a normal field extension. If $g \in G$ then $Lg = L$ and we teh action of $g$ on $L$ is an element of $\mbox{Gal}_{\mathbb Q}L.$ It is easy to verify that $g \mapsto g \mid_L$ is a group homomorphism from $G$ to $\mbox{Gal}_{\mathbb Q}L.$ The kernel is $L^*$ and the image is isomorphic to $G/L^*$ by the first isomorphism theorem for groups. However, $|\mbox{Gal}_{\mathbb Q}L| = |L: \mathbb Q| = |G : L^*|$ by the Galois correspondence. Thus $\mbox{Gal}_{\mathbb Q}L$ and $G/L^*$ are isomorphic groups. The final part of the theorem about degrees of field extensions, orders of subgroups and indices of subgroups is straightforward. we have proved the first assertion already, since $M^*$ is the Galois group of a splitting field extension. The rest follows from the fact that $\mathbb Q^* = G$ and $\Sigma^* = 1$, and the fact that \[|G| = |\Sigma : M | \cdot |M : \mathbb Q| = |G:M^*| \cdot |M*|.\] Please report any glitches which you find, and monitor the website for corrections. \end{document}