\documentclass{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \title{MATH0037 Galois Theory 2000} \author{GCS -- Solution Sheet 1} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle {\it All rings are commutative with 1 as far as this course is concerned} \begin{enumerate} \item Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $I$ and $J$ are both ideals of $R$. Let $I + J$ be the subset $\{ a + b \mid a \in I,\ b \in J \}$ of $R$. Prove that $I + J \unlhd R.$ \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Let $X = I + J$. Now $0 = 0 + 0 \in X$ since $0 \in I \cap J$. Thus $X \not = \emptyset$. In order to show that $X$ is an additive subgroup of $R$ it suffices to show that if $x,y \in X,$ then $x - y \in X.$ Choose any such $x$ and $y$. Then $x = i_1 + j_1$ and $y = i_2 + j_2$ for $i_1,i_2 \in I$ and $j_1, j_2 \in J.$ Therefore $x-y = [i_1 - i_2] + [j_1 - j_2]$. Now $I$ and $J$ are additive subgroups of $R$ so $ i_1 - i_2\in I$ and $j_1 - j_2 \in J$ so $x - y \in I+J.$ Finally to establish that $X$ is an ideal of $R$ we must show that if $r \in R$ and $x \in X$ then $rx \in X.$ Choose any such $r$ and $x = a + b$ for $a \in I$ and $b \in J$. Now $rx = r(a+b) = ra + rb$ where $ra \in I$ and $rb \in J$ since $I, J \unlhd R.$ Thus $I + J \unlhd R$. \item Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $I$ and $J$ are both ideals of $R$. Let $IJ$ be the set of all sums \[ \sum_{i=1}^m a_i b_i \] where $m$ is any natural number, and for each $i$ we have $a_i \in I$ and $b_i \in J$. Prove that $IJ \unlhd R.$ \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} First observe that $0 = 0 \cdot 0 \in IJ$ so $IJ \not = \emptyset$. Next suppose that $x,y \in IJ$, so $x = \sum_{i=1}^u c_i d_i$ and $y = \sum_{j=1}^v e_j f_j$ where $c_i, e_j \in I$ and $d_i, f_j \in J$ for all legal values of $i$ and $j$. Now put $c_{u+j} = -e_j \in I$ for $1 \leq j \leq v$ and $d_{u+j} = f_j \in J$ for $1 \leq j \leq v$. Now $x - y = \sum_{i=1}^{u+v} c_i d_i \in IJ$ so $IJ$ is an additive subgroup of $R$. Now choose any $x = \sum_{i=1}^u c_i d_i$ where $c_i \in I$ and $d_i \in J$ for all currently legal values of $i$. Also choose $r \in R.$ Then $rx = \sum_{i=1}^u (rc_i) d_i \in IJ$ since each $rc_i \in J$ because $J \unlhd R$. \item Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $I$ is an ideal of $R$. The previous question given meaning to the ideal $II$ and we refer to this ideal as $I^2$. How should we define $I^3$? Give a sensible definition of an ideal $I^n$ when $n$ is any natural number.\newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Define $I^0$ to be $R$. For $m \geq 1$ inductively define $I^m$ to be $I I^{m-1}.$ Informally, $I^m$ will be the set of all possible sums of terms each of which is the product of $m$ elements of $I$. \item Recall that every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic. Use this result to classify (list and understand) the additive subgroups of $\mathbb Z$ (the additive group of integers). Now classify the ideals of the ring $\mathbb Z$. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} >From an earlier course, the subgroups of ${\mathbb Z}$ are exactly the cyclic groups $(m)$ where $m$ is any non-negative integer. It so happens that these additive subgroups of ${\mathbb Z}$ are all ideals of $\mathbb Z$ since they are all principal ideals. \item Suppose that $m$ is an integer. Let $(m)$ denote the set of integer multiples of $m$, so $(m) = \{km \mid k \in {\mathbb Z}\}$. \begin{enumerate} \item How many elements are there in the ring ${\mathbb Z}/(2)$?\newline\noindent{\bf Solution} There are 2. \item How many elements are there in the ring ${\mathbb Z}/(m)$?\newline\noindent{\bf Solution} There are $m$. \item Write out the addition and multiplication tables of ${\mathbb Z}/(3)$ (it may be helpful to write ${\bold 0} := (3) + 0,$ ${\bold 1} := (3) + 1$ and ${\bold 2} := (3) + 2$. \end{enumerate} \noindent{\bf Solution} All is as for $\mathbb Z$ save that \[{\bold 2} + {\bold 1} ={\bold 0} = {\bold 1} + {\bold 2}\] and \[{\bold 2} + {\bold 2} ={\bold 1} = {\bold 2} + {\bold 2}.\] \item Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $I$ and $J$ are both ideals of $R$. Show that $I \cup J$ is an ideal of $R$ if and only if $I \cap J \in \{ I, J\}$. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} If $I \cap J \in \{ I, J\}$ then either $ I \subseteq J$ or $J \subseteq I$ so $I \cup J \in \{I,J\}$ so $I \cup J \unlhd R.$ The converse is more interesting. Suppose that $I \cup J \unlhd R.$ Now assume (for contradiction that neither $I \subseteq J$ nor $J \subseteq I$. we may therefore choose $i, j$ such that $i \in I$, $j \in J$, $i \not \in J$ and $j \not \in I$. Now $i + j \in I \cup J$ since $i, j \in I \cup J \unlhd R$. If $i + j \in I$ then $j \in I$ which is absurd. Therefore %i + j \in J$. However, this forces $i \in J$ which is also absurd. Therefore either $I \subseteq J$ or $J \subseteq I$. In either event, $I \cap J \in \{I,J\}$ and we are done. \item An ideal $I$ of a ring $R$ is called a {\it principal ideal} if there is $r \in R$ such that $I = (r)$ where $(r) = \{sr \mid s \in R\}$. Find an ideal of a ring which is not a principal ideal of that ring. {\it Hint: Look in ${\mathbb Z}[X]$, the ring of polynomials in the variable $X$ with integral coefficients.}\newline\noindent{\bf Solution} The set of polynomials in ${\mathbb Z}[X]$ with even constant term form an ideal. However $2$ is in this ideal, and the only polynomials in our ring which divide $2$ are $1,2,-1,-2$ from degree considerations. Now $X \not \in (2) = (-2)$ [this is the ideal of all polynomials in ${\mathbb Z}[X]$ with all coefficients being even]. Also $(1) = (-1) = {\mathbb Z}[X]$. However our ideal is not ${\mathbb Z}[X]$ since it does not contain 1. Therefore our ideal is not principal. \item Let ${\mathbb C}[[X]]$ denote the set of formal power series in $X$ with coefficients in ${\mathbb C}.$ These series are simply expressions of the form \[ a_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + \ldots \] where we pay no heed to convergence questions. Show how to define addition and multiplication on ${\mathbb C}[[X]]$ in a natural way so that it becomes a ring. When you have done this, show that $f = f_0 + f_1 X + \ldots \in {\mathbb C}[[X]]$ has a multiplicative inverse in ${\mathbb C}[[X]]$ if and only if $f_0 \not = 0$.\newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Let $\sum_{i = 0}^\infty a_i X^i$ and $\sum_{i = 0}^\infty b_i X^i$ be elements of $ {\mathbb C}[[X]]$. We define their sum and product to respectively be $\sum_{i = 0}^\infty s_i X^i$ and $\sum_{i = 0}^\infty p_i X^i$ where for every $n \geq 0$ we let $s_n = a_n + b_n$ and $p_n = \sum_{i=0}^n a_i b_{n-i}$. It is a routine and somewhat tedious matter to verify that ${\mathbb C}[[X]]$ so equipped has become a ring. If $f = f_0 + f_1 X + \ldots \in {\mathbb C}[[X]]$ has $f_0 =0$ then $fh$ will have constant term $0$ for every $h \in {\mathbb C}[[X]]$, and so $f$ will have no multiplicative inverse in ${\mathbb C}[[X]]$. On the other hand, if $f_0 \not = 0$ then $f - f_0$ has constant term $0$ and so has the form $f_0Xg$ for some $g \in {\mathbb C}[[X]]$. Now $f = f_0(1 + gX)$ and $f_0^{-1}( 1 - gX + g^2 X^2 + g^3 X^3 - \cdots)$ can easily be verified to be a multiplicative inverse of $f$. \end{enumerate} \end{document}