\documentclass{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \title{MATH0037 Galois Theory 2000} \author{GCS - Solution Sheet 2} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle {\it All rings are commutative with 1 and $0$ is not a natural number as far as this course is concerned} \begin{enumerate} \item Consider $f, g \in \mathbb Q[X]$ where $f = x^4 + 4x +1$ and $g = x^2 +x -2$. Find $q, r \in \mathbb Q[X]$ such that $f = qg + r$ and $\hbox{deg }r < \hbox{deg }g$. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Long division yields \[ x^4 + 4x + 1 = [x^2 -x + 3][x^2 + x -2] + [-x+7].\] \item Find $f \in \mathbb Q[X]$ of smallest possible degree with the property that when divided by $X-j$ (in $\mathbb Q[X]$) it leaves remainder $j$ for each $j \in \{1,2,3,4\}$. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} If $c$ is constant polynomial then $c$ leaves remainder $c$ when divided by each of the four polynomials in question, and if $1 = c = 2$, then $1-1 = 2-1$ so $0 \not = 1$ which violates a field axiom. Actually, in $\mathbb Q$ we know that $1 \not = 2,$ but we can now see how the argument goes if $\mathbb Q$ is replaced by an arbitrary field. Anyway, we may deduce that the required polynomial has degree at least 1. Now observe that $X = [X -j] + j$ for each $j \in {\mathbb Z}$, so $X$ is a polynomial of degree 1 which enjoys the property. The enthusiastic student should try to prove that $X$ is the {\it only } polynomial of degree 1 which leaves the specified remainders when divided by the given polynomials. \item Suppose that $f \in \mathbb C[Y]$ is a polynomial with the property that $\mathbb C[Y]/(f)$ and $\mathbb C[Y]/(f^2)$ are isomorphic rings. What can you deduce about $f$? \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} We may assume that $f \not = 0$ since in that case the rings are equal and therefore isomorphic. If $g \in \mathbb C[Y]$, then we showed in the problem class (and will show again in lectures) that considered as a vector space over the subfield consisting of the constant polynomials, the dimension of $\mathbb C[Y]/(g)$ is $\hbox{deg }g$. Since a ring isomorphism $\phi$ sends 1 to 1, $\phi$ must send $(f) + c$ to $(f^2) + c$ for all constant polynomials $c$. One can check that $\phi$ is then a $\mathbb Q$-linear map which is non-singular. The dimensions of the domain and codomain must therefore coincide. This forces $f$ to be a constant polynomial, and both domain and codomain to be the trivial ring containing a single element, and indeed these rings are isomorphic. \item Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $I_1, I_2$ are ideals of $R$. For $i=1,2$ we let $\pi_i$ denote the natural epimorphism $\pi_i : R \rightarrow R/I_i$ where $(r)\pi_i = I_i + r$ for every $r \in R$. Define $\pi : R \rightarrow R/I_1 \oplus R/I_2$ by $(r)\pi = ( (r)\pi_1, (r)\pi_2)$ for every $r \in R.$ \begin{enumerate} \item Prove that $\pi$ is a ring homomorphism. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} This is a formality. \item Prove that $\pi$ is injective if and only if $I_1 \cap I_2 = \{ 0\}$. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} $\hbox{Ker }\pi_j = I_j$ for $j = 1,2$. Now \[\hbox{Ker }\pi = \hbox{Ker }\pi_1 \cap \hbox{Ker }\pi_2 = I_1 \cap I_2\] and we are done. \item Prove that $\pi$ is surjective if and only if $I_1 + I_2 = R$. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Abusively write $0$ and $1$ for the additive and multiplicative identity elements of each of the rings mentioned in the question. Suppose that $I_1 + I_2 = R$. Thus $1 = a + b$ for some $a \in I_1 = \hbox{Ker }\pi_1$ and $b \in I_2 = \hbox{Ker }\pi_2$. Now $a = 1-b$ and $b = 1-a$ so $\pi: a \mapsto (0,1)$ and $\pi: b \mapsto (1,0).$ Therefore if we choose any $(I_1 +c,I_2 +d) \in R/I_1 \oplus R/I_2$, then \[\pi : c b + d a \mapsto (I_1 +c,I_2 +c)(1,0) + (I_1 +d,I_2 +d)(0,1) = (I_1 +c,I_2 +d).\] Thus $\pi$ is surjective. \item Prove that the rings $\mathbb Z/(6)$ and $\mathbb Z/(2) \oplus \mathbb Z/(3)$ are isomorphic. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Use the preceding discussion with $R = \mathbb Z$, $I = (2)$ and $J = (3)$. Observe that $(2) + (3) = (1) = \mathbb Z$. Also $(2) \cap (3) = (6).$ Now apply the first isomorphism theorem for rings. \end{enumerate} \item Suppose that $R$ is a ring and that $I, J$ are ideals of $R$ with the property that $I + J = R$. Suppose that $n, m$ are natural numbers. Prove that $I^m + J^n = R$. {\it Hint $1^{m+n} = 1$}. \newline\noindent{\bf Solution} Clearly $I^m + J^n \subseteq R$ so only the reverse inclusion is of interest. Since $I^m + J^n$ is an ideal, it will suffice to show that $1 \in I^m + J^n$ for then for each $r \in R$ we will have $r = r 1 \in I^m + J^n$. Now $1 = i + j$ where $i \in I$ and $j \in J.$ \[ 1 = (i+j)^{m+n} = \sum_{k=0}^{m+n} = \left(\begin{array}{c}m+n\\k\end{array}\right)i^k j^{m+n -i}.\] Notice three things: the coefficients arising in the binomial theorem are integers, if $z \in \mathbb N$ and $R \in R$, then $zr$ is simply notation for $r + r + \cdots + r$ where there are $z$ copies of $r$ in the sum, and finally that each $ i^k j^{m+n -k}$ is either an element of $I^m$ (when $k \leq n$) or an element of $J^m$ (when $k \geq m$). Thus $1 \in I^m + J^n$ and we are done. \end{enumerate} \end{document}