Ivan Graham: Lectures given at Chinese University of Hong Kong, spring 2016

1. Three lectures on high frequency Helmholtz problems - January 2016

brief outline      Lecture 1      Lecture 2      Lecture 3

2. One lecture on PDEs with random data - April 2016:


Here are some papers which are available electronically:

Further reading on Hybrid Numerical Asymptotic Methods:

PDEs with random data

  • I.G. Graham, R. Scheichl and E. Ullmann, Mixed Finite Element Analysis of Lognormal Diffusion and Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Analysis and Computation, June 2015. DoI: 10.1007/s40072-015-0051-0    preprint arxiv 1312.6047

  • I.G. Graham, F.Y. Kuo, J.A. Nicholls, R. Scheichl, Ch. Schwab and I.H. Sloan, Quasi-Monte Carlo Finite Element Methods for Elliptic PDEs with Log-normal Random Coefficients, Numerische Mathematik December 2014. DoI: 10.1007/s00211-014-0689-y.    SAM Report 2013-14, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich. preprint

  • I. G. Graham, F. Y. Kuo, D. Nuyens, R. Scheichl, and I. H. Sloan, Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients and applications Original Preprint 04/10, Bath Institute for Complex Systems, 2010.

  • [Ivan Graham ] [ Department of Mathematical Sciences ] [University of Bath ]