FEEL: An Implementation of EULISP Version 0.92 Abstract
This document describes an implementation of EuLisp called Feel. The primary reference for EuLisp is the EuLisp definition. In this document, the environmental operations provided in Feel, but which are not part of the EuLisp language, are described in detail, and examples on the use of some EuLisp features are provided.

Getting Further Information

Information about EuLisp and a copy of the Feel implementation are all available by anonymous ftp from ftp.bath.ac.uk in the directory pub/eulisp. This document and the implementation of EuLisp are currently the responsibility of Julian Padget (jap), Russell Bradford (rjb) and Duncan Batey (djb) at maths.bath.ac.uk.

Differences Between FEEL And EuLisp

Inevitably there are a number of minor ways in which Feel is not an accurate implementation of EuLispas described in the EuLisp definition (to which we refer the reader for details of the language itself ). The whole of Level 0 is implemented, but some of the level 0 modules (such as formatted-io) do not exist, even though the functions they define are in fact available in the eulisp0 module. Much of Level 1 is also implemented. A major area of incompatability is in the conditions, some of which are not raised when the definition says they should be.

Making FEEL

The kind of Feel system you can make depends on the combined capabilities of your operating system and processor. Feel has been developed in a solely Unix environment and this has considerably warped its view of the world. We have attempted ports to DOS, Windows 3.1 and the Macintosh (ver 7), but these are currently out of date and we do not have access to suitable hardware to revise them. If you are interested, please let us know! A particular feature of EuLisp, and hence Feel, is support for multiple threads of control. Whether these do actually execute concurrently depends on the host system, but, in principle, it should be possible to develop a program using threads on one system_perhaps a uni-processor simulating concurrency_and later execute the same program on a multi-processor or a distributed processor to achieve the same net result. Broadly speaking, Feel can be made in any of three main configurations:
Under the "ANY" machine configuration, Feel attempts to be a fully portable ANSI C program. Because there is no reliably portable method of implementing threads in C, the thread operations in this mode are not available and only a serial version of EuLisp remains. This mode is most suitable for getting started quickly and also the most sensible place to begin for porting to new architectures or operating systems. Memory use is minimised which may benifit smaller machines such as PCs or any system where memory is at a premium.
This (badly named) configuration mode requires that a stack switching operation be available for Feel to use. Given this code (typically a few lines of the local assembler), the thread operations become available with the limitation that only one thread is run at a time. This mode allows programs to be written in terms of threads which may later be run in parallel without alteration. This mode is most useful for allowing the development of multi-threaded applications under unsupportive operating systems such as BSD 4.2 or 4.3.
System V
This configuration requires that stack switching code be available along with the standard System V shared memory manipulation primitives. Given these things Feel becomes a truly parallel multi-threaded system using the following model: on start-up a piece of shared memory is allocated, then Feel forks as many times as there are physical processors in the host machine (this behaviour may be modified). Each of these forked processes runs the Feel scheduler, running threads from the pool in the shared heap. Each such thread is run to conclusion_unless it yields control, in which case it will be returned to the pool. More processes may be forked than existing processors to simulate truly parallel operation on uniprocessor systems such as Suns running SunOS 4.1.

The FEEL Environment

Feel uses the shell variable FEEL_LOAD_PATH when loading modules. Its value is prepended to a default path consisting of the directory in which Feel was invoked in and other directories specified when the system was built. The resulting path is read at start-up and converted to a list of strings of information in a processor-defined format concerning the filesystems or disks or directories to be searched when loading modules. Modules are stored in files with the extension .em. When booting from a previously compiled bytecode image, the shell variable FEEL_BOOT_PATH, prepended to a similar default path to that for FEEL_LOAD_PATH, is used to find the bytecode image. Bytecode images are stored as pairs of files with .est and .ebc extensions. When using the bytecode compiler, the shell variable FEEL_INTF_PATH is used to find module interface files, and the shell variable FEEL_OBJS_PATH used to find compiled modules, before system defaults as above. Interfaces are stored in files with the extension .i, and compiled modules in files with the extension .sc.

Getting in and out

Feel is started by typing feel, assuming correct paths and installation. To leave Feel type CNTL-D, or !exit (see later section).

Start-Up Configuration

Feel's default starting behaviour may be modified in two ways:
Command Line Arguments
Feel recognises the following:
-heap n
The size of heap to use (in megabytes if n < 50, else bytes). This defaults to 4Mb.
-stack-space n
Amount of storage to allocate for stacks and static data (in megabytes if n < 50, else bytes). This defaults to 1 Mb, but should be more for programs that use threads.
-stack-size n
The size of the interpreter thread stack (in kilobytes if n < 1000, else bytes). This defaults to 96Kb. It should not be necessary to change this unless your program stops with a 'stack overflowing' message. Beware that an infinite non-tail recursion problem may also trigger this message.
-boot name
Load the bytecode image name
Do not load a bytecode image at all
Load the compiler bytecode image
Start Feel in System V configuration (if available)
-procs n
Start up using n processors (works in System V configuration only)
A Configuration File
Having first processed its command line arguments, Feel then looks for a file called .feelrc in the $ HOME directory of the user (Note 1: Likely to be elsewhere on non-UNIX systems). If found, the file is read and the expressions within executed as if entered at top-level.

Interacting with FEEL

When Feel starts, the top-level module loaded is the user module (Note 2: This can be changed by setting the environment variable FEEL_START_MODULE). This imports eulisp0, and therefore contains most of the usual lisp functions. Most of the module manipulation functionality is defined in the root module. The only operations defined in the root module are those for loading modules and entering modules (see below). The top-level prompt provides information about which module is the current focus and the history number of the command, for example: user!0> signifies that the current module focus is root and that the command history index of this line is 0. error:user!1> signifies that the error handler is executing, that the current module focus is user, and that the command history index of this line is 1. The following operations are always available at top-level, regardless of the current module focus:

(!> name) : special form


Name of module to load.
If name names a module which has been loaded, then the top-level is changed to be in that module. If a module named name is not currently loaded, then Feel tries to load the module from a file called name.em. If loaded succesfully, top-level is changed to be in that module.

(!>> name) : special form


name of the module to load.
Reload and enter the specified module. This has the side-effect of resetting the exported bindings of the module, such that any importing module will reference the new values.

!exit : special form
Within a handler loop, returns to previous top-level. At top-level, Feel terminates.

!n : special form
Redo the input sequence number n.

!b : special form

!q : special form
Within a handler loop, !b prints out a backtrace of function calls and their environments. A simpler backtrace, only containing the function calls, can be printed out by typing !q. The eulisp0 module exports a function, !B (not a special form) which may do a better job in some circumstances, but is more prone to infinite loops.

The Bytecode Compiler

The Feel bytecode compiler is implemented as a Feel application. The code produced is quite respectable, and should give significant improvements over interpreted code. `The compiled code does not do any error checking on car, cdr, vector-ref and similar functions. A later extension will define these functions as generic so that type errors can be detected.

File Types

Eulisp module files
These have a .em suffix and contain EuLisp source code.
Standard compiled modules
These have a .sc suffix, and contain position and byte-order independent compiled code.
Interface files
These have a .i suffix, and contain the interface exported by their module, and information on dependencies, etc.
Bytecode files
These have .ebc and .est sufficies. They hold the raw bytecodes and statics for a group of modules.
Fast load files
These have .fm extensions, and contain raw bytecodes for a single module.


feelc [-o image] [.em files] [.sc files] [other args]
The Feel bytecode compiler is started by typing feelc, assuming correct paths and installation. feelc invokes Feel once for each module to be compiled, and finally one more time if the results are to be linked into a single bytecode image.

The script is not interactive - it takes only command line arguments. All arguments with a .em extension are assumed to be modules to be compiled, all arguments with a .sc extension are assumed to be compiled modules to be linked - linking only occurs if the -o image option is given, where image is the name of the resultant bytecode image.

Modules are compiled in the order presented - since the compilation of a module relies upon the existence of an interface file for each module that it imports, directly or indirectly, these modules must be given in the order that they would normally be loaded. For example, if module top imports module middle, which in turn imports module bottom, the compilation of top would be specified by typing:

feelc bottom.em middle.em top.em.
All other arguments are passed on to each invocation of Feel unaltered. The default heap size when compiling is 10Mb.

Warning - modules are loaded before being compiled, so do not attempt to compile modules that execute non-terminating forms at top-level.

The compiler generates many incomprehensible messages - these can mostly be ignored, unless the process stops prematurely, in which case they may give some clue as to just what went wrong. Be advised that compiling large files, and linking in general, can take a long time ...


By default, the Feel startup script feel loads a bytecode image which represents the major part of the implemented EuLisp functionality, plus some useful extras, such as the loops module. To boot Feel with a different bytecoded image, myimage, type:
feel -boot myimage
To fast-load a specific compiled module, mymodule, type:
(!!> mymodule)
at top-level (this will not work if Feel is invoked with feel -noimage).

The EuLisp Object System

The EuLisp object system is called Telos. Every data item in EuLisp is part of the class hierarchy. Simple classes can be defined by defstruct, more complex classes with defclass. There is no message send primitive in EuLisp, instead generic functions are used. Telos has been designed to offer programmability, efficiency and flexibility. The following subsections attempt to illustrate the kinds of things you can do with it by means of a few examples.

Generic Functions

You see, it's like this... (Note 3: to quote Keith) Our example in this subsection is an implementation of univariate polynomials with integer coefficients. We start with a polynomial structure: this is a single term, with a reductum that is the rest of the polynomial. A reductum that is an integer marks the end of the polynomial. A term consists of the leading degree and the leading coefficient. (defclass () ((ldeg accessor ldeg initarg ldeg initform 1) (lc accessor lc initarg lc initform 1) (red accessor red initarg red initform 0)) constructor make-polynomial) We define a method on equal so we can check if two polynomials are the same. Notice we do not have to check for the bottoming-out of the recursion on the reducta: the generic nature of equal ensures that when we get to the end of a polynomial (and we have an integer as a reductum rather than a polynomial) a different method is called. This relies on the fact that equal-methods for (int, poly) and (poly, int) do not exist: the generic function discriminator chooses the nearest applicable method on equal, which in this case is (object, object). This method returns () (as the args cannot be eq), which is just what we want. (defmethod equal ((p ) (q )) (and (equal (ldeg p) (ldeg q)) (equal (lc p) (lc q)) (equal (red p) (red q)))) We now need some operations on this new type. If we are trying to add polynomials to integers, we would like some method for converting between integers and polynomials. We use the function lift-numbers to do this. (defmethod lift-numbers ((i ) (p )) ) (defmethod lift-numbers ((p ) (i )) ) (defmethod (converter ) ((x )) (make-polynomial 'lc x 'ldeg 0)) Now if we call any operation with a polynomial and an integer, the integer is lifted to class polynomial, and the operation proceeds as normal. For two polynomials, the method is easy. A minor wrinkle is when the leading terms cancel: we must take care not to have a leading coefficient of 0. (defmethod binary-plus ((p ) (q )) (cond ((= (ldeg p) (ldeg q)) (let ((sum (binary-plus (lc p) (lc q)))) (if (zerop sum) (binary-plus (red p) (red q)) (make-polynomial 'ldeg (ldeg p) 'lc sum 'red (binary-plus (red p) (red q)))))) ((< (ldeg p) (ldeg q)) (make-polynomial 'ldeg (ldeg q) 'lc (lc q) 'red (binary-plus p (red q)))) (t (make-polynomial 'ldeg (ldeg p) 'lc (lc p) 'red (binary-plus (red p) q))))) (defmethod binary-difference ... and so on for the other arithmetic operations. Also we would put new methods on generic-prin and generic-write to print out the values of polynomials using a suitable syntax.


Classes in EuLisp are not static items: they can be defined and created dynamically just as any other type in the system. The following example demonstrates this by defining a class whose instances are themselves classes, whose instances are modular numbers. The intermediate classes are parameterised by an integer, which are the bases for the modular rings. This also illustrates the use of metaclasses, which control the structure of classes. We create a metaclass <zmodn> which is the class of the classes <Zmod3>, <Zmod5>, <Zmod7>, etc. (defclass () ((n initarg n reader zmodn-class-n)) metaclass ) This will be a direct subclass of class, and so will inherit its methods, in particular the ability to create subclasses which are themselves classes. The instances of this class will have a slot named n, which will be the modular base. Now we define a superclass for all of its instances, to place them in their own sub-hierarchy of the class graph. This class has an instance variable z, since the instances of its subclasses are the fully instantiated modular numbers. (defclass () ((z accessor zmodn-z)) metaclass ) The metaclass of the instances of zmodn-object is defined to be the class zmodn-class. Thus the structure of the instances (the classes Zmod5, etc.) is determined by zmodn-class. The constructor for the instances of zmodn-class (the metaclass) could be the following: (defun make-zmodn-class (n) (make 'direct-superclasses (list ) 'name (make-symbol (format nil "" n)) 'n n)) The make-instance requires values for the slots in zmodn-class, which include n (the slot we defined), and direct-superclasses, a slot inherited from class. If you want to avoid creating duplicate zmodn classes with the same N, try this definition instead: (defconstant *zmodn-table* (make 'comparator = 'hash-function generic-hash)) (defun make-zmodn-class2 (n) (or (table-ref *zmodn-table* n) (let ((cl (make-zmodn-class n))) ((setter table-ref) *zmodn-table* n cl) cl))) The function to create the modular objects themselves could be defined as follows: (defun make-modular-number (z n) (make-instance (make-zmodn-class2 n) 'z z)) Note that this implemenatation guarentees that the number is of the appropriate range: (defmethod initialize ((proto ) lst) (let ((i (call-next-method))) ((setter zmodn-z) i (remainder (scan-args 'z lst required-argument) (zmodn-n i))) i)) Getting z from one of these instances is already defined by the reader on zmodn-object. Getting n involves going to the class. Making this available from instances means defining the following function: (defgeneric zmodn-n (obj)) (defmethod zmodn-n ((z )) (zmodn-class-n (class-of z))) Next, we want to define some simple arithmetic on modular numbers, for example, addition. However, this only makes sense if we have the same modulus in both of the summands. (defun compatible-moduli (n m) (if (= (zmodn-n n) (zmodn-n m)) t (error "incompatible moduli" Internal-Error))) We define a method for addition on <zmodn-object>: this will then be inherited by each instance, viz., the actual rings <zmod3>, <zmod5>, and so on. (defmethod binary-plus ((n1 ) (n2 )) (when (compatible-moduli n1 n2) (make-modular-number (+ (zmodn-z i) (zmodn-z j)) (zmodn-n i)))) We can add a method to the print function to view numbers prettily (defmethod generic-prin ((n ) s) (format s ""a" (zmodn-z n) (zmodn-n n))) Finally, some examples of numbers (deflocal zero5 (make-modular-number 0 5)) (deflocal one5 (make-modular-number 1 5)) (deflocal two5 (make-modular-number 2 5)) (deflocal three5 (make-modular-number 3 5)) (deflocal four5 (make-modular-number 4 5)) (deflocal zero3 (make-modular-number 0 3)) (deflocal one3 (make-modular-number 1 3)) (deflocal two3 (make-modular-number 2 3)) Now if we try an addition: > (+ two5 four5) < 1 We didn't have to specify a plus method for each modular ring individually: the single definition on the superclass suffices. Thanks to Harley Davis for help on this section.

Slot Descriptions

Another aspect of the programmability of Telos is slot-descriptions. This allows the user to control how the slots of a class are accessed. Here we present an example of the use of slot-descriptions to provide a classed (typed) slot facility. The aim is to be able to define a class and, at the same time, the class of the values to be associated with a given slot. The solution is to define a new kind of slot-description to verify that only values of the correct class are stored in the slot. We start by defining a new kind of slot-description <classed-local-slot-description>. (defclass () ((contents-class initform initarg contents-class reader classed-local-slot-description-contents-class)) metaclass ) The classed-local-slot-description class inherits the normal slots from <local-slot-description> and adds somewhere to keep track of the allowed class of its contents. To police the class (type) constraint, we must check that whenever a value is written to a slot with this class_that the value is of the specified kind. we therefore want a new method on compute-primitive-writer-using-slot-description. (defmethod compute-primitive-writer-using-slot-description ((csd ) cl lst) (let ((std-writer (call-next-method)) (contents-cl (classed-local-slot-description-contents-class csd))) (lambda (obj val) (if (subclassp (class-of val) contents-cl) (std-writer obj val) (error "invalid class of value for slot" some-error 'object obj 'sd csd 'val val))))) The call to the standard writer is reached only if the value satisfies the class constraint. It just means the value is acceptable_go ahead and do whatever you normally do to put the slot value inside. All that remains is how to use one of these slots in a class. The example you give can be done as follows_but remember that defclass must be used instead of defstruct because the latter does not support user-defined slot classes. (defclass () ((age initarg age slot-class slot-initargs ('contents-class ) accessor age) (name slot-class slot-initargs ('contents-class ) accessor name) (ordinary-slot initform 'bleagh))) The slots age and name are of the new class of slot with their contents class set to integer and string respectively. Of course, other slots with different classes of slot description may also be defined. Now, we may type the following: (setq i (make )) ((setter age) i 27) which is fine and (age i) will return 27. ((setter age) i 'not-a-number) but this signals an error. Thanks to Luis Mandel for prompting this example.


Feel supplies a mixin module (Note 4: called mixins) to allow the use of mixin classesa la Flavors. A mixin class is a class that can be used in a multiple inheritance network, but has certain restrictions to enable the creation of more efficient accessors_multiple inheritance is restricted to non-instantiable classes and these classes, mixins are then used for specialisation of instantiable objects, base-objects. Mixins tend to be used to describe attributes of objects, and then these are "mixed in" with base classes to create specialized classes. The mixin implementation has two metaclasses
  • <mixin-class> The class of a mixin class
  • <mixin-base-class> The class of a base-object class
Instances of <mixin-class> are not instantiable, but allow full MI. Only instances of <mixin-base-class> may inherit from mixin-classes, and the list of direct superclasses of a <mixin-base-class> must have all mixin-classes before a single non-mixin class (In Feel, it may inherit from any other class in the system, including <class>). (defclass () ((x initform 0 accessor point-x initarg x) (y initform 0 accessor point-y initarg y)) ) (defclass () ((color initform 'black initarg color reader color)) metaclass ) (defgeneric color-of (obj) method (((obj )) 'gray) method (((obj )) (color obj))) (defclass ( ) () metaclass ) (setq p1 (make )) (color-of p1) (setq p2 (make 'x 1 'y 1 'color 'red)) (color-of p2) Figure 1: Usage of mixin inhertance Note on the implementation: <mixin-class> has a different default slot type, <mixin-slot-description>. When this slot is inherited directly by a <mixin-base-class> its the accessor is computed. If the slot is not newly created, however, no new access method is computed, therefore reducing the number of such methods for a given accessor.

Eql Methods

These are supplied by the eql module, which effectively defines new generic function and method classes, and allows further eql methods to be defined. See eql.em for full details.

The PVM Module

The pvm module provides an interface to the pvm library. This section assumes that the reader has read at least some of the PVM documentation. The pvm module differs from the pvm library in the following ways:
  • Arbitrary lisp expressions (including circular structures) may be sent from machine to machine
  • The format in which objects are sent is not the XDR format used by pvm, but an internal format. It is hopefully machine (and byte order) independent. See the section on the reader module for more details.
  • Several reads may occur simultaneously on separate threads (Note 5: note that pvm is not yet interfaced to the System V version.). In other words, it is possible to call thread-suspend during a read.
The pvm module exports the following functions:

(pvm-enroll) : PVM


A string


Enrolls Feel into PVM under the given name. Must be called before any other PVM function. Return the pvm-id of the enrolled process (actually a cons cell whose car is the name provided as argument to pvm-enroll, and whose cdr is an instance number allocated by PVM).

(pvm-leave) : PVM


Exits from PVM control. After this is called, all PVM functions return an error message (except pvm-enroll).

(pvm-whoami) : PVM


Returns the pvm-id (the value returned by enroll) of the process.

(pvm-status id) : PVM


Identifier of a pvm-process


Returns non-nil if the process with pvm-id id is running, otherwise nil.

(pvm-send dest type msg [reader]) : PVM


A PVM process identifier
The type of the message (integer)
The message (can be anything)
A reader which is used to write the message.


Sends a message of type type to the process specified by the id dest containing the value msg. If a reader is specified it is used to handle any complex lisp types inside the message (see section ).

(pvm-recv type info? [reader]) : PVM


The type of message to be recieved (integer)
Is information on message wanted (boolean)
A reader which is used to read the message.


Blocks until a message of type type is recieved. If info? is nil, then the message is returned. If info? is non-nil, a list is returned in the following format: (msg type from) where msg is the message, type is the type and from is the process-id of the sending processes. Note that this only blocks the executing thread - ready threads will automatically be scheduled.

(pvm-recv-multi type-list info? [reader]) : PVM


A list of possible message types (integers)
Information on message wanted flag (t or nil)
A reader which is used to read the message.


As pvm-recv, but blocks the executing thread until a message which has a type in the type-list is received.

(pvm-initiate-by-type type name) : PVM


Type of machine (string)
Name of the new process (string)


Runs the executable name on a machine of type type, and return the PVM identifier of the new process.

(pvm-initiate-by-hostname hostname name) : PVM


Hostname in which to start process
Name of the new process


Runs the executable name on the machine hostname, and return the PVM identifier of the new process.

(pvm-probe type) : PVM


A message type (integer).


Tests for messages of a given type. Returns the type, or nil if no message of that type is in the input queue.

(pvm-probe-multi type-list) : PVM


A list of message types (integers).


Tests for messages from a list of types. Other functions provided are
  • pvm-barrier
  • pvm-ready
  • pvm-waituntil
  • pvm-terminate
These last are mostly untested, but provide analogous functionality to their PVM equivalents. This module is based on PVM version 2.3 - the next section describes a module based on PVM version 3.2, which has a substantially different interface.

The PVM3 Module

Like the pvm module, the pvm3 module is not completely analogous to the pvm3 library. The differences should be fairly intuitive, and are mainly to make the module more useable. The pvm3 module exports the following functions:

(pvm-mytid) : PVM3
Enrolls Feel in PVM if it is not already enrolled, and returns the tid (task identifier - a large integer) in either case.

(pvm-exit) : PVM3
Exits from PVM control

(pvm-config) : PVM3
Returns a list of hostname, architecture type pairs, describing the current PVM configuration.

(pvm-spawn-on-host name host [n]) : PVM3


name of executable
name of the host
number of instances


Runs n instances (1 by default) of the executable name on the machine specified by host, and returns a list of the tids of the new processes.

(pvm-spawn-on-arch name arch [n]) : PVM3


name of executable
architecture type
number of instances


Runs n instances (1 by default) of the executable name on a machine of type arch, and returns a list of the tids of the new processes.

(pvm-tasks) : PVM3
Returns a list of the tids of all processes currently enrolled in PVM.

(pvm-pstat tid) : PVM3
Returns t if the process with identifier tid is alive, and nil otherwise.

(pvm-kill tid) : PVM3
Terminates the process with identifier tid.

(pvm-send tid type message [reader]) : PVM3


A PVM task identifier
The type of the message (integer)
The message (can be anything)
A reader used to write the message


Sends a message of type type to the process specified by tid containing the value message. If a reader is specified it is used to handle any complex lisp types inside the message (see section ).

(pvm-mcast tid-list type message [reader]) : PVM3


A list of PVM task identifiers
The type of the message (integer)
The message (can be anything)
A reader used to write the message


Sends a message of type type to each of the processes specified in tid-list containing the value message. If a reader is specified it is used to handle any complex lisp types inside the message (see section ).

(pvm-bcast type message [reader]) : PVM3


The type of the message (integer)
The message (can be anything)
A reader used to write the message


Sends a message of type type to all enrolled processes containing the value message. If a reader is specified it is used to handle any complex lisp types inside the message (see section ).

(pvm-receive tid type info? [reader]) : PVM3


A PVM task identifier (integer: -1 is wild card)
The type of the message (integer: -1 is wild card)
Is information on message wanted (boolean)
A reader used to read the message


Blocks the executing thread until a message of type type is recieved from the process specified by tid. If info? is nil, then the message is returned. If info? is non-nil, a list is returned in the following format: (msg type from) where msg is the message, type is the type and from is the process-id of the sending processes.

(pvm-probe tid type) : PVM3


A PVM task identifier (integer: -1 is wild card)
The type of the message (integer: -1 is wild card)


Returns t if a message matching tid and type is ready to be received, otherwise nil.

(pvm-joingroup group) : PVM3


A string used to identify the group


Creates a group called group if one doesn't already exist, and joins the group in either case.

(pvm-lvgroup group) : PVM3


A string used to identify the group


Leaves the group called group.

(pvm-gtasks group) : PVM3


A string used to identify the group


Returns a list of the tids of all processes in the group identified by group.

(pvm-barrier group count) : PVM3


A string used to identify the group
Number of processes involved in the barrier


Blocks the executing thread until count members of group have called pvm-barrier.

The Reader Module

The reader module provides functions to read and write lisp forms as bytevectors. It is intended to be reasonably machine independent, although at the current time it falls a little short. The module currently deals with reading and writing lisp forms for the pvm module. The reader in its default form can read any 'simple' lisp expression that is: integers, floats, strings, symbols (Note 6: Support for symbols may be removed in future versions because they may require some caching, which will be provided by a lisp level), lists and vectors. The extensibility is provided via an extra argument which may be supplied to control the reader's behaviour on complex lisp types. A type here means a group of classes which can be read in the same way. The type of an object is given by the integer identifier passed to add-writer and add-reader.

(make-obj-reader) : Reader


Makes a new reader object. The class and internals of this object are left unspecified.

(add-writer reader class type-ident function) : Reader


A reader
A class
An identifier (> 16)
A function to be called when an object of class class is encountered.


Adds a new writer function, function to the given reader. The function is called when an object of class class (or one of its subclasses) is encountered by a write process. It is called with three arguments: the object to be written, a value representing write buffer and the reader which called the function. The function should call write-next with any data associated with the object.

(add-reader reader type-ident function) : Reader


A reader
An identifier
A function.


Adds a new reader function function to the given reader. The function is called whenever an object of type type-ident is encountered by a read process. It is called with two arguments: a value representing the read buffer plus the reader supplied by the caller of the read. The function then calls read-next to obtain any data associated with the object. If the function fails to consume all the data written by its corresponding write, an unhandled error condition results (Note 7: Feel goes kaboom).

(read-next ptr reader) : Reader


A pointer value
A reader


Returns the next object in the read-buffer specified by ptr, using reader as the reader object. This functions can only be called inside the dynamic scope of a read function.

(write-next object ptr reader) : Reader


the object to be written
A pointer value
A reader


Writes the object object onto the write-buffer specified by ptr, using reader as the reader object.


;;define a structure which we want to pass around (defstruct example-cons-pair () ((car initarg car reader example-car) (cdr initarg cdr reader example-cdr)) constructor (example-cons car cdr)) ;;invent a number _ this *must* be more than 16 (defconstant *example-type-id* 18) ;;make a reader (defconstant *the-reader* (make-obj-reader)) ;;define readers and writers for example-cons ;;note that both these functions *can* side effect, so circular ;;structures and caching can be handled (using tables or similar), also that the ;;particular reader can be changed for the recursive call ;;to the reader (although I do neither here). (defun write-example-cons (obj ptr rdr) ;;easy really. Just write whats inside. (write-next (example-car obj) ptr rdr) (write-next (example-cdr obj) ptr rdr)) (defun read-example-cons (ptr rdr) ;;read the internals (let* ((a-car (read-next ptr rdr)) (a-cdr (read-next ptr rdr))) ;;construct the appropriate object (example-cons a-car a-cdr))) ;;add them to the reader structure (add-reader *the-reader* *example-type-id* read-example-cons) (add-writer *the-reader* example-cons-pair *example-type-id* write-example-cons) ;;we can add more types later... ;;should make ;;(pvm-send (pvm-whoami) 102 ;;(example-cons (example-cons 1 2) ;;(example-cons 3 4)) ;;*the-reader*) ;;work ok. ;;to receive, (pvm-recv 102 nil *the-reader*)

Thread Abstractions

EuLisp provides a set of primitive operations for thread creation and manipulation, but for most work these are too low-level and require the user to be overly concerned with their management. One of the design goals of EuLisp was to provide an experimentation environment for parallel processing, and as a result of this several thread abstractions have been built on the EuLisp thread primitives. These abstractions include: futures, linda, timewarp and CSP. The next subsections describe the first two in detail.


The nature of the EuLisp thread mechanism means that it lends itself quite naturally to providing a base for the implementation of a simple future abstraction. The acts of creating futures and of eventually interrogating them for their values map almost directly onto starting threads and accessing thread results. The code for basic future manipulation is given below. A couple of examples of replacements for "strict" functions that allow for future objects are shown. The extensibility of generic functions and module renaming can be used to make these necessary changes transparent for users. The following are the main functions of interest in the futures module ...

(future expression ) : macro


The expression to be future'd
Constructs a future object and spawns a thread to calculate the value of expression. An object of class future is returned by the expression resulting from the macro expansion. The implementation of future in Feel is essentially: (defmacro future exp `(let ((future (make-future-object)) (task (make-thread (lambda (future fun) ((setter future-object-value) future (fun)) ((setter future-object-done) future t) t)))) ((setter future-object-thread) future task) ((setter future-object-function) future (lambda () ,@exp)) (thread-start task future (lambda () ,@exp)) future))

(futurep obj) : Future generic


The object to be tested


nil if obj is not a future, otherwise, non-nil.

(future-value future) : Future


The value to be evaluated


Forces the evaluation of a future and if the result of the evaluation is also a future that too is forced until the result is not a future.


The eulinda module implements a simplistic version of the Linda model. Points of note include
  1. multiple pools, so the in/out/read functions take an extra argument
  2. matching is always literal on first element of tuple
  3. function names are prefixed by linda-
The module exports the following functions:
  • (make-linda-pool) to make a pool.
  • (linda-out pool tag val1 val2 ...) places the values in the pool under the tag.
  • (linda-in pool tag pat1 pat2 ...) does an "in" from the pool under the tag, using the patterns.
  • (linda-read pool tag pat1 pat2 ...) does a "read".
  • (linda-eval fun arg1 arg2 ...) starts a new thread running the function with the arguments.
A pattern is
  • ? matches any value.
  • (? var) matches any value, and sets the var to that value.
  • anything else is matched literally.
Tags are also always matched literally. Thus, if y has value 22, then (linda-in pool 'foo ? (? x) (+ 1 y)) searches for a tuple in the pool under the tag foo that has anything in the 1st or 2nd slot, and 23 in the 3rd slot. When such a tuple is found, x is set to the value in the 2nd slot; the call suspends (with an implicit thread-reschedule) until then. A small example: (defmodule pc (standard eulinda) () (deflocal pc-pool (make-linda-pool)) (defun producer (tag val) (format t "producer: out "a to "a"%" val tag) (linda-out pc-pool tag val)) (defun consumer (tag) (let ((x ())) (linda-in pc-pool tag (? x)) (format t "consumer "a: got "a"%" tag x)) (consumer tag)) (linda-eval consumer 'one) (linda-eval consumer 'two) ) Then, e.g., (producer 'one 23) will place a tuple in the pool for the thread one to fetch out. Minor debugging tools are (tril t) to turn on a trace of the internals of the matching process; (tril ()) to turn it off. Also (print-linda-pool p) will print the values in the pool p.
Concurrent Processing Research Group, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, United Kingdom, E-mail: eulisp@maths.bath.ac.uk , this version October 11, 1994