The ESRC will soon be launching their biennial Research Centres call – this allows for funding of up to £10million over five years to enable “world-leading centres of excellence that carry out interdisciplinary, cutting-edge and impactful research in the social sciences and beyond”. This is an open call that funds research across the full ESRC remit.
Further information here: Pre-announcement: ESRC centres – UKRI
The ESRC requires each submitting university to limit the number of applications being submitted. As such we will be holding an internal demand management process to select up to two proposals that we believe best match the funding criteria of the ESRC call.
To be considered for selection please submit an outline of your Research Centre idea to Sarah Jones by 12pm on Friday 10 March. Outlines should be limited to 2 sides of A4 and provide the following information:
- A five year Research vision for the Centre along with example research questions
- Demonstration of potential for impact
- Demonstration for capacity building potential in the chosen area
- Proposed partnerships – both academic and non-academic
- Links to the relevant university strategies
An information and discussion event in support of this call and the internal demand process will be held on 24 February 2023 at 2pm. Emma Carmel and Andrew Brown will be joined by Sarah Jones to answer questions about the call, where this fits with Bath’s ambitions and the support available for the development of a proposal.
If you are interested in any of the other ESRC Centres opportunities then please contact Sarah Jones to discuss further. These are the Centre in community participation and connectedness Centre in community participation and connectedness – UKRI, the Cente in climate change and health and the Centre in sustainable and equitable low-carbon living.