The University's Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs) provide opportunities to develop the impact of your research. The following funding opportunities are now open for projects within the Economic and Social Sciences or Engineering and Physical Sciences remits. Further ESRC IAA funding opportunities will be announced later this year.
The funding will support, develop and foster strategic partnerships for knowledge exchange and impact.
ESRC IAA Flexi Fund – rolling award (no deadline)
The ESRC flexi-fund (up to £3k) is a responsive award for early-stage relationship-building and idea development. The funding enables researchers to react swiftly to new opportunities to engage with partners with your research, conduct feasibility projects or test out new ideas with partners through workshops and other events.
This fund and assessment process have been developed to enable us to respond to requests for funds in a timely way so that you can take advantage of opportunities as they arise. These applications will be assessed for funding by the IAA team within three weeks of submission.
ESRC and EPSRC IAA Postdoc Impact Award Open Call – deadline 12 September 2023
A new funding call is open for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students who have recently completed their studies at the University of Bath through our IAA Postdoc Impact Award Open Call.
The awards will provide support for projects with a high probability of generating impact from research within the ESRC or EPSRC remits, as well as provide opportunities for career and personal development through knowledge exchange and impact related activities.
Funds can be used to build on collaborative activities already underway, explore new opportunities, or build knowledge and skills to support future collaborations that have a high probability of knowledge exchange and ‘impact’ – a beneficial change to society or the economy. The types of activities might include knowledge exchange/mobilisation, knowledge brokering, co-production, implementation, evaluation, engagement and communication, for example:
- relationship building, engagement activities and networking opportunities, including workshops, events, conferences or training programmes
- placements, secondments, visits
- feasibility studies, co-producing training or toolkits, developing prototypes or software, or market research
We would particularly encourage projects that engage with policy, and secondments that exchange knowledge, skills and expertise.
- More on the ESRC IAA Postdoc Impact Award Open Call
- More on the EPSRC IAA Postdoc Impact Award Open Call
EPSRC IAA Placements and Fellowships Fund – rolling award (no deadline)
Funding up to £20k is now available for research staff and postdocs interested in taking part in external placements and fellowships which will support new routes to knowledge exchange and impact, particularly through policy placement opportunities such as those offered by with the Royal Society and UK Parliament, for example the Royal Society Pairing Scheme.
This is a responsive award, with applications assessed in the order in which they are received, while funds last. These are open to staff and Postdocs who may be looking to develop new skills and contacts. Eligible costs include salary contributions and travel. We aim to provide a response within 3 weeks of submission.
EPSRC IAA Seed Corn Award – rolling award (no deadline)
A small amount of Seed Corn funding is available for research staff to accelerate the potential for commercial impact from research in the EPSRC remit. Applications are by invitation from the Technology Transfer Team. and assessed on a rolling basis, while funds last. We aim to provide a response within 3 weeks of submission.
Contact the IAA Team to discuss your idea and request an application pack: