BRID Doctoral Funding: The current phase has now closed.
The current phase has now closed. 10 awards available for doctoral students to access up to £2000 to cover fieldwork or conference costs.
Aims of the fund
The fund aims:
to support innovative and impactful research and policy engagement
to broaden access to productive careers in international development
to strengthen collaborative links between CDS and other institutions
to build the reputation of CDS as a globally recognised research centre
Who can apply and what’s available
You can apply if you are a current doctoral student registered at the University of Bath. Your doctoral research must be relevant to international development, broadly defined as an evolving set of human aspirations, a complex historical process, and a field of policy and practice.
This funding is for doctoral fieldwork or conference costs up to £2,000. This can include: - costs of travel, including visas, insurance and vaccinations - in-country research approval - software packages and apps - payment for specialized services, including training, interpreting, translation and transcriptions - costs of presenting and discussing your work at relevant conferences and workshops
Selection criteria and grant conditions
- you can apply once per academic year
- your lead supervisor must write an e-mail or letter of support for your application
- you should specify clear goals and explain how the funded activities will help achieve them
- we particularly encourage applications that aim to strengthen established partnerships with research partners in low and middle income countries or representatives of particularly disadvantaged groups
- you must spend your grant within fifteen months of the award date
- we will only make payment where University procurement processes have been followed
- you must confirm in writing that full funding for the specified activity is not available elsewhere
- if you plan to use joint funding, you should confirm its availability in your application and make clear what BRID funds will be used for
- if you receive funding, you must agree to formally report on how well you achieved the goals you set in your application (e.g. compiling a final report)
- you should show a willingness to share learning from the specified activities, for example through the CDS working papers or blog
How to apply
Apply now There is currently no deadline - funding is assessed on a rolling basis. The Grant Committee will assess applications within two months of receipt.Contact us
If you have any questions about the application process, please email us with ‘BRID Fund’ in the subject line.