All demographic, drug exposure, and personal data that you provide on the questionnaire will be retained until the end of this project, and be stored securely on the University of Bath's servers. Storage of data will be done in accordance with current UK data protection legislation.
The results from each interview will be retained until this project has been completed. This data may inform publications of this work. Data will be pseudoanonymised (i.e., no names or email addresses will be linked to any personal data provided) throughout the study, therefore there is no risk that anyone external to the research team will be able to identify any participant in this project. All data will be held by the study investigators, and the study investigators will remain the only people who know about your involvement in the project.
Your involvement in this project will be confidential throughout. Confidentiality is only broken if the researchers deem there is a significant risk to yourself and/or others around you, at which point, the researchers are obliged to contact the relevant authorities. The researchers are also obliged to contact the relevant authorities if participants disclose perpetration of the following crimes: abuse of children or vulnerable adults, and terrorism-related offences. Admission of drug use will not be reported to any authorities and will be kept confidential at all times.
When you take part in the interview, we will record your responses and then transcribe them. Your audio file will be stored on a password protected secure University of Bath electronic drive. Once your audio file has been transcribed, it will be destroyed. Transcripts will be fully anonymised with a unique pseudonym. If you wish to receive a copy of your transcript to check you are happy with it being shared, you can request this by emailing, up to one week following your participation.
It will not be possible to identify you from the responses you gave. You will also not be identifiable from any results. If you wish to withdraw your data, you can do this by emailing up to one week following your participation. The de-identified transcript data will be made ‘open’ which means that transcripts can be downloaded from the University of Bath’s data repository. The University of Bath’s data storage policy requires research data (i.e., your transcript in this study) to be held for 10 years following completion of the study.