UKTESML005: BA (hons): Modern Languages and European Studies (French and German)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
ESML0001French written & spoken language 1A6Credits
ESML0003French cultural studies 1A: Style & genre in French culture3Credits
ESML0005French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises3Credits
ESML0030German written & spoken language 1A6Credits
ESML0032German cultural studies 1A: Kultur der Weimarer Republik3Credits
ESML0034German politics & society 1A: Deutschland und Österreich 1918-19393Credits
ESML0103Europe 1A: Introduction to European studies6Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
ESML0002French written & spoken language 1B6Credits
ESML0004French cultural studies 1B: Changing viewpoints and narrative strategies3Credits
ESML0006French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises3Credits
ESML0031German written & spoken language 1B6Credits
ESML0033German cultural studies 1B: Drittes Reich und Nachkriegsjahre (1933-61)3Credits
ESML0035German politics & society 1B: Von der doppelten Staatsgründung bis zum Mauerbau3Credits
ESML0104Europe 1B: Europe since 19456Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
ESML0007French written & spoken language 2A6Credits
ESML0009French cultural studies 2A: Violence & disintegration3Credits
ESML0011French politics & society 2A: De Mitterand a Chirac, Ruptures et Continuites3Credits
ESML0036German written & spoken language 2A6Credits
ESML0038German cultural studies 2A: Kultur in der Bundesrepublik von 1961 bis zur Gegenwart3Credits
ESML0042German politics & society 2A: Geteiltes Deutschland 1961-19893Credits
ESML0105Europe 2A: Politics of the European Union6Credits

Year 2, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
ESML0008French written & spoken language 2B6Credits
ESML0037German written & spoken language 2B6Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ECOI0081 Economic organisation of the European Community 6 Credits
ESML0385 European political thought 6 Credits
ESML0407 Border crossings: memory and identity in contemporary Europe 6 Credits
ESML0416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
ESML0424 Introduction to the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) 6 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0010 French cultural studies 2B, option 1: Conflicting realities: film in France in the 1920s & 1930s 3 Credits
ESML0012 French cultural studies 2B, option 2: First person camera: French cinema & the auteur tradition 3 Credits
ESML0109 French cultural studies 2B, option 7: Camus & the Algerian question 3 Credits
ESML0112 French cultural studies 2B, option 8: Images of conflict: the French at war 3 Credits
ESML0296 French cultural studies 2B: option 9: French neo-Greek drama 3 Credits
ESML0430 French cultural studies 2B, option 11: Ecrire les langues francaises: recent francophone literature 3 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0271 French politics & society 2B, option 1: Regional policy in the Fifth Republic 3 Credits
ESML0272 French politics & society 2B, option 2: 'Capitale et province' 3 Credits
ESML0273 French politics & society 2B, option 3: The role & position of women in French society 3 Credits
ESML0274 French politics & society 2B, option 4: French local politics 3 Credits
ESML0275 French politics & society 2B, option 5: Rural society in contemporary France 3 Credits
ESML0276 French politics & society 2B, option 6: The experience of women during the Second World War 3 Credits
ESML0277 French politics & society 2B, option 7: La France: une société au pluriel 3 Credits
ESML0278 French politics & society 2B, option 8: Political communication from party & individual 3 Credits
ESML0279 French politics & society 2B, option 9: France coming to terms with the German occupation of 1940-44 3 Credits
ESML0298 French politics & society 2B: option 10: La France dans le monde 3 Credits
ESML0527 French politics and society 2b,option 12: les partis politiques en france 3 Credits
ESML0532 French politics & society 2B:option 13:La campagne presidentielle 2002:themes et acteurs principaux 3 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0039 German cultural studies 2B, option 1: Max Frisch und die Schweiz 3 Credits
ESML0041 German cultural studies 2B, option 3: Ideologie und Kultur im Dritten Reich 3 Credits
ESML0431 German cultural studies 2B, option 4: Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet? 3 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0043 German pols & soc 2B opt 1: Lebensumbruche und Integrationsprozesse in Deutschland seit der Wende 3 Credits
ESML0044 German politics & society 2B, option 2: Berlin von der geteilten stadt zur neun haupstadt 3 Credits
ESML0045 German politics & society 2B, option 3: Popmusik und jugenkultur 3 Credits
ESML0046 German politics & society 2B, option 4: Die Frau in der deutschen Gesellschaft 3 Credits

Year 3, Academic Year

Mode of Attendance:
Paid period of experience
Mandatory Units
ESML0300Year abroad60Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
ESML0013French written & spoken language 4A6Credits
ESML0048German written & spoken language 4A6Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ECOI0040 A history of international relations theory 6 Credits
ECOI0042 Politics of developing countries: ethnicity, religion and nationalism 6 Credits
ESML0107 European option E1: Intellectuals & identity in contemporary Europe 6 Credits
ESML0110 European option E3: European film 1 6 Credits
ESML0294 European option E5: In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
ESML0468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
MANG0040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
Select between 3 and 9 credits from the following list:
ESML0015 French national option F1: La France et l'Europe 6 Credits
ESML0016 French national option F2: La France urbaine 6 Credits
ESML0018 French national option F4: Films of the nouvelle vague 6 Credits
ESML0019 French national option F5: French comedies from Molière to Beaumarchais 6 Credits
ESML0022 French national option F8: Specialist language - translation A 3 Credits
ESML0024 French national option F9: Specialist language - interpreting A 3 Credits
ESML0028 French national option F12: Environnement, société, développement 6 Credits
ESML0029 French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine 6 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0053 German national option G4: Kultur und Politik in der ehemaligen DDR 6 Credits
ESML0056 German national option G6: Mensch - Natur - Technik 6 Credits
ESML0059 German national option G9: Die Massenmedien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 6 Credits
ESML0423 German national option G10: Territorium und Nation. Die 'deutsche Frage' seit 1945 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
ESML0014French written & spoken language 4B6Credits
ESML0049German written & spoken language 4B6Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ECOI0041 Contemporary international politics 6 Credits
ECOI0043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
ESML0108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
ESML0111 European option E4: European film 2 6 Credits
ESML0295 European option E6: In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
MANG0059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
SOCP0012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SOCP0070 Social issues in contemporary Europe 6 Credits
Select between 3 and 9 credits from the following list:
ESML0020 French national option F6: French autobiography 6 Credits
ESML0023 French national option F8: Specialist language - translation B 3 Credits
ESML0025 French national option F9: Specialist language - interpreting B 3 Credits
ESML0026 French national option F10: Surrealism 6 Credits
ESML0027 French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande 6 Credits
ESML0422 French national option F14: Marguerite Duras-Femme du siècle 6 Credits
ESML0429 French national option F15: Décisions et leadership 6 Credits
ESML0528 French national option F16: les scandales politiques en france 6 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0051 German national option G2: Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil 6 Credits
ESML0052 German national option G3: Umbau 21: Bundesrepublik Deutschland am anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts 6 Credits
ESML0058 German national option G8: Gender und transformatsionzprozesse in Deutschland 6 Credits

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[University of Bath]