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 University | Catalogues for 2004/05 | UG index for 2004/05

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Undergraduate Programme Catalogue for 2004/05

Department of Biology & Biochemistry

USBB-AFB02 BSc (hons) Biochemistry
USBB-AFB03 BSc (hons) Biology
USBB-AFB04 BSc Biological Sciences
USBB-AFB05 BSc (hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology
USBB-AKB01 BSc (hons) Biology
USBB-AKB02 BSc (hons) Biochemistry
USBB-AKB04 BSc Biological Sciences
USBB-AKB05 BSc (hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology
USBB-AKM03 MBiol (hons) Biology
USBB-AKM05 MBiol (hons) Molecular and Cellular Biology
USBB-ANM02 MBiochem (hons) Biochemistry


University | Catalogues for 2004/05 | UG index for 2004/05