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Undergraduate Programme Structures for 2004/05

Department of Social & Policy Sciences

UHSP-AFB01: BSc (hons) Social Policy and Administration

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10006 Introductory microeconomics 6 Credits
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10007 Introductory macroeconomics 6 Credits
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30008 Social policy dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30009 Social policy dissertation 2 12 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits

UHSP-AFB04: BSc (hons) Sociology

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30057 Sociology dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 12 and 18 Credits from the following list:
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30058 Sociology dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits

UHSP-AFB05: BSc (hons) Social Sciences

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 24 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 24 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EC20081 Economic organisation of the European Community 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30008 Social policy dissertation 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 4 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EC30040 A history of international relations theory 6 Credits
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30009 Social policy dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select 3 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EC20081 Economic organisation of the European Community 6 Credits
EC30041 Contemporary international politics 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits

UHSP-AFB10: BSc (hons) Sociology and Social Policy

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30008 Social policy dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list:
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30009 Social policy dissertation 2 12 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits

UHSP-AFB11: BSc (hons) Sociology with Human Resource Management

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
MN20031 Human resource management 5 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
MN20268 Developing identity through work 5 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
MN20308 Employee relations 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year, one in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
MN20029 Employee relations 2 5 Credits
SP30057 Sociology dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
MN30042 Managing conflict 5 Credits
MN30044 Organisational change & design 5 Credits
MN30045 Pay & rewards 5 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year, one in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
MN30054 Strategy & Human Resource Management 5 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30058 Sociology dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
MN30290 Training, learning and development 5 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits

UHSP-AFB12: BSc (hons) Applied Social Studies

Years 1 & 2 not available in 2004/5

Year 3, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP30029 Legislation for social work practice 2 6 Credits
SP30031 Community care 6 Credits
SP30033 Children & families 6 Credits
SP30102 Applied social studies dissertation preparation 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP30103 Applied social studies dissertation 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select 18 Credits from the following list:
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits

UHSP-AFB14: BSc (hons) Applied Social Studies

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
SP10105 Community profiling: assessing community needs 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10017 Groups: groupwork & teamwork in practice 6 Credits
SP10019 Developing professional competence 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20024 Legislation for social work practice 1 6 Credits
SP20025 Theories & methods in social work 6 Credits
SP20130 Policy & practice in mental health 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits

Year 3 not available in 2004/5

UHSP-AKB01: BSc (hons) Social Policy and Administration

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10006 Introductory microeconomics 6 Credits
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10007 Introductory macroeconomics 6 Credits
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
SP20067 Placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30008 Social policy dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30009 Social policy dissertation 2 12 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits

UHSP-AKB04: BSc (hons) Sociology

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
SP20067 Placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30057 Sociology dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 12 and 18 Credits from the following list:
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30058 Sociology dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 12 and 18 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits

UHSP-AKB05: BSc (hons) Social Sciences

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 24 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 24 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EC20081 Economic organisation of the European Community 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
SP20090 BSc (hons) Social Sciences Placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30008 Social policy dissertation 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 4 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EC30040 A history of international relations theory 6 Credits
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
MN30040 European integration studies 1 5 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30009 Social policy dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select 3 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EC20081 Economic organisation of the European Community 6 Credits
EC30041 Contemporary international politics 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
MN30059 European integration studies 2 5 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits

UHSP-AKB10: BSc (hons) Sociology and Social Policy

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list: LIST A
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list: LIST B
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
SP20067 Placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30008 Social policy dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 18 Credits from the following list:
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year. This can be EITHER two units in one semester or one unit in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
SP30009 Social policy dissertation 2 12 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits

UHSP-AKB11: BSc (hons) Sociology with Human Resource Management

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10008 The modern world economy 1 6 Credits
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10103 Introduction to European studies 6 Credits
EU10417 British politics 6 Credits
EU10505 Key concepts in politics 6 Credits
EU10550 Spanish written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits
SP10060 Quantitative methods: Surveys & data analysis 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list:
EC10009 The modern world economy 2 6 Credits
EC10078 Developing countries in world politics 6 Credits
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10104 Europe since 1945 6 Credits
EU10410 Political ideologies 6 Credits
EU10551 Spanish written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
ZZ10001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
MN20031 Human resource management 5 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20069 Philosophy of the social sciences 6 Credits
SP20138 Social research: sources, presentation and communication 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC20016 Economics of social policy 6 Credits
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20105 Politics of the European Union 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
MN20268 Developing identity through work 5 Credits
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
MN20308 Employee relations 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20062 Qualitative social research methods 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20010 Social policy evaluation 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
ZZ20001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
SP20067 Placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year, one in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
MN20029 Employee relations 2 5 Credits
SP30057 Sociology dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20012 Economic thought & policy 6 Credits
EC30042 The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism 6 Credits
EU20385 European political thought 6 Credits
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30101 Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika 6 Credits
EU30107 Culture & national identity 6 Credits
EU30294 In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided 6 Credits
EU30468 Transitions to democracy 6 Credits
MN30042 Managing conflict 5 Credits
MN30044 Organisational change & design 5 Credits
MN30045 Pay & rewards 5 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30013 Social security policy and welfare reform 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30072 Corporate power & the social challenge 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30117 Globalisation & labour: current perspectives 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

* Students may not take more than two level 2 (Intermediate) options in their final year, one in each semester.
* Students MUST NOT repeat a unit already taken in year 2.
Mandatory units
MN30054 Strategy & Human Resource Management 5 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SP30058 Sociology dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EC20043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries 6 Credits
EC20079 Economics of politics 6 Credits
EU20414 American politics 6 Credits
EU20415 Media politics 6 Credits
EU20416 Totalitarian politics 6 Credits
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30102 Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia 6 Credits
EU30108 European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? 6 Credits
EU30295 In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? 6 Credits
EU30441 Women & politics in Europe 6 Credits
MN30290 Training, learning and development 5 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20022 Organisation and management of social care services 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20097 Sociology of health and illness 6 Credits
SP20099 Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues 6 Credits
SP30012 European social policy: a comparative approach 6 Credits
SP30096 Global regimes & new social movements 6 Credits

UHSP-ANB08: BSc (hons) Social Work and Applied Social Studies

Years 1 & 2 not available in 2004/5

Year 3, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP30023 Child care research & practice 3 Credits
SP30029 Legislation for social work practice 2 6 Credits
SP30030 Developing professional competence 3: principles of practice 3 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
SP30031 Community care 6 Credits
SP30032 Mental health 6 Credits
SP30033 Children & families 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP30129 Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP30027 Social work dissertation 1 6 Credits
SP30028 Social work dissertation 2 12 Credits
SP30035 Social work placement 2 12 Credits

UHSP-ANB13: BSc (hons) Social Work and Applied Social Studies

Mode of attendance: Thin sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
SP10105 Community profiling: assessing community needs 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
SP10002 Social policy & social problems 6 Credits
SP10017 Groups: groupwork & teamwork in practice 6 Credits
SP10019 Developing professional competence 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
SP20021 Social work placement 1 18 Credits
SP20131 Discrimination & empowerment in social work 12 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20023 Child care research, policy & practice 6 Credits
SP20024 Legislation for social work practice 1 6 Credits
SP20025 Theories & methods in social work 6 Credits
SP20130 Policy & practice in mental health 6 Credits

Year 3 not available in 2004/5


University | Catalogues for 2004/05 | UG index for 2004/05