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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Computer Science, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

CM50170 Dissertation

Credits: 30
Level: Masters
Dissertation period
Assessment: DS100
Before taking this unit you must take CM50175
Before taking this unit, students must obtain the required standard in the MSc in Computer Science taught units. Aims: To develop skills of individual project effort in a computer based practical undertaking with original development content related to one or more of the lecture modules studied.
Learning Outcomes:
A student will be able to;
* identify the tasks to be completed in a project proposal, plan a scheme of work, and complete the project to a professional standard;
* assemble and create the necessary software tools, carry out the development of the solution of a technical problem in computer science, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution against common standards of quality;
* demonstrate the successful completion of these tasks in a well-structured and coherently written dissertation.
The student will follow an appropriate problem solving route, building on the project proposal written in CM50175 Research Project Preparation. The student will analyse possible problem solutions and choose appropriate methods and approaches. This will lead to the implementation of the chosen solution, its testing and evaluation. Projects are usually software-based, but suitable experimental or theoretical projects may be undertaken. A comprehensive dissertation will be submitted at the completion of the project.

University | Catalogues for 2006/07