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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Psychology

THXX-AFM13: MRes Psychology

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
XX50133 Short research apprenticeship project (MRes) 6 Credits
XX50136 Qualitative methods 1 6 Credits
XX50170 Principles & skills of social research 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
XX50134 Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods 6 Credits
PS50065 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 1 3 Credits
PS50066 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 2 3 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
* Students not wishing to follow a Critical Social Psychology strand must take PS50078.
PS50078 Theoretical issues in psychology 6 Credits
PS50096 History of psychology 6 Credits
PS50097 Mind & social being 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
XX50137 Long research apprenticeship project (MRes) 18 Credits
XX50138 Qualitative methods 2 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list:
* Students not wishing to follow a Critical Social Psychology strand must select either PS50112 or XX50135.
* Students wishing to follow a Critical Social Psychology strand may not take PS50112.
XX50135 Quantitative methods 2 6 Credits
MN30058 Ecological thinking & action in management 6 Credits
PS50098 Understanding gender relations 6 Credits
PS50112 Advanced statistics for use in health contexts 6 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation period

Mandatory units
XX50140 MRes dissertation 30 Credits

University | Catalogues for 2006/07