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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

SP20023 Child care research, policy & practice

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS & ASS students only. Aims: To provide students with a broad understanding of major child care research and policy developments and their implications for practice. To equip them with knowledge of child development, child observation and child protection procedures.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the unit, students will have a knowledge of: Recent child care research, policy and practice developments and the relationship between them. Theories of child development and how to apply this knowledge in the context of child observation, including using observation to inform assessment. Child protection procedures (including the role of different professionals) and the research and policy background to the development of such procedures. Some of the professional and ethical dilemmas that might arise in the application of these procedures in practice.
Students should be able to: Critically evaluate and assess child care research and evidence as well as a variety of other information (e.g. policy and guidance). Synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding of child care research, policy and practice. Reflect upon their own academic and professional performance and take responsibility for personal and professional learning and development.
Historical overview of major child care legislation and policy developments. Key concepts of the 1989 Children Act, research findings since the Act and their implications for practice. An introduction to assessment in child care work. An introduction to human growth and development, focusing particularly on child development. The knowledge, skills and values for child observation and its role in social work practice. Child protection policy and practice; definitions of abuse, indicators, signs and symptoms; child protection procedures; inter-agency roles and responsibilities; partnership working in child protection.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07