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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

SP50152 Ethical issues in research, policy and practice

Credits: 12
Level: Masters
Semester: 2
Assessment: ES100
* To provide students with a critical understanding of some of the current ethical issues in research, policy and practice in relation to death, dying and loss.
* To give students a critical understanding of the main conceptual debates surrounding decision-making in death, dying and loss.
* To enable students to interpret and critically apply these conceptual perspectives to the analysis of ethical issues in this field.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit students will have:
* a systematic understanding of key texts relating to a range of ethical issues in research, policy and practice in death, dying and loss
* a critical understanding of the significance and implications of ethics in relation to this field
* the ability to identify appropriate theoretical and conceptual issues relevant to research, policy and practice in this field.
* Ability to develop rigorous arguments through precise use of concepts and models
* Systematically synthesise information from a variety of perspectives for a relevant understanding of conceptual and practical approaches.
* Appreciate and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a range of approaches.
* Identify and access relevant information sources.
* Communicate complex issues and perspectives effectively.
* Develop skills of time management, workload prioritisation and related planning skills.
* Develop good writing and presentation skills.
This unit will focus on concepts such as autonomy and dependence, professional expertise and lay knowledge, informed consent, confidentially, privacy, power and accountability in relation to a range of ethical debates in research, policy and practice in the field of mortality. It will use these concepts to consider current key debates. These will include:
* Research ethics
* The ethics of policy making
* Ethical issues in practice
* Beginning and end-of-life decision making (eg, abortion, euthanasia and organ donation)
* Investigative procedures in relation to sudden death
* Violent death (eg, suicide, murder) and the media
* Acts of terrorism and other 'man-made' disasters
* Natural disasters
* Use of human remains for science and museums
* Disposal of human remains.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07