Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies Programme Catalogue 2015/16 |
UHPL-AYB18: BA(Hons) Modern Languages and European Studies (French and Spanish) with Year Abroad |
Mode of attendance: Full-time with Year Abroad |
Normal programme duration: 4 years |
Possible DAPs for this programme:
Please see your programme handbook for circumstances where transfer to DAP may be permitted/required. | Possible exit awards for this programme:
Year 1 |
NFAAR-UG assessment regulations:
Academic Year: Part 1 Stage 1 |
Designated Essential Units: |
PL10621 | French written and spoken language 1 | 12 Credits |
PL10638 | Spanish written and spoken language 1 | 12 Credits |
Semester 1: Part 1 Stage 1 |
Compulsory Units: |
PL10103 | Introduction to European studies | 6 Credits |
PL10788 | Spain 1898 - 1975 | 6 Credits |
PL10871 | 1789-1914: Revolutions in the long nineteenth century | 6 Credits |
Semester 2: Part 1 Stage 1 |
Compulsory Units: |
PL10104 | Europe since 1945 | 6 Credits |
PL10774 | La France des années 1930 à 1981 | 6 Credits |
PL10789 | Spanish political and cultural studies 1975 - present | 6 Credits |
Year 2 |
NFAAR-UG assessment regulations:
Academic Year: Part 2 Stage 2 |
Designated Essential Units: |
PL20622 | French written & spoken language 2 | 12 Credits |
PL20639 | Spanish written and spoken language 2 | 12 Credits |
Semester 1: Part 2 Stage 2 |
Compulsory Units: |
PL20726 | European integration | 6 Credits |
PL20782 | Introduction to 20th and 21st century Latin American culture | 6 Credits |
PL20872 | La France et le monde, la France dans le monde | 6 Credits |
Semester 2: Part 2 Stage 2 |
Compulsory Units: |
PL20776 | La France depuis 1981 | 6 Credits |
PL20783 | Introduction to contemporary Latin American politics | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL20407 | Border crossings: memory and identity in contemporary Europe | 6 Credits |
PL20416 | Totalitarian politics | 6 Credits |
PL20424 | Introduction to English language teaching | 6 Credits |
PL20724 | European Union politics | 6 Credits |
Year 3 |
NFAAR-UG assessment regulations:
Academic Year: Part 2 Stage 3 |
Compulsory Units: |
PL20300 | Year abroad | 60 Credits |
Year 4 |
NFAAR-UG assessment regulations:
Academic Year: Part 3 Stage 4 |
Designated Essential Units: |
PL30623 | French written and spoken language 4 | 12 Credits |
PL30640 | Spanish written and spoken language 4 | 12 Credits |
Semester 1: Part 3 Stage 4 |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL30017 | Genre et politique: la France en perspective comparée | 6 Credits |
PL30873 | Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - La France et ses idées | 6 Credits |
PL30886 | 'Aux armes etc.' - La France en chansons | 6 Credits |
PL30901 | La France postcoloniale | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL30568 | The politics of democracy & development in Latin America | 6 Credits |
PL30794 | In the shadow of Franco: repression, denial and memory | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL30107 | Culture & national identity | 6 Credits |
PL30294 | In search of Europe (1) - the cold war 1945 - 1989 | 6 Credits |
PL30468 | Transitions to democracy | 6 Credits |
PL30732 | The politics of ethnicity, religion, and nationalism | 6 Credits |
PL30741 | US global politics | 6 Credits |
PL30864 | Europe in global politics | 6 Credits |
PL30881 | Contemporary security challenges in Asia | 6 Credits |
PL30891 | European film | 6 Credits |
SP30210 | Conflict, security and international development | 6 Credits |
ZZ30001 | Director of Studies approved unit | 6 Credits |
Semester 2: Part 3 Stage 4 |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL30027 | French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande | 6 Credits |
PL30865 | French national option F20: La montée du Front National en France | 6 Credits |
PL30887 | Politique et esthétique: les avant-gardes européens | 6 Credits |
PL30900 | Les banlieues de la République | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL30569 | The post-Franco party political system in Spain | 6 Credits |
PL30728 | The international relations of Latin America | 6 Credits |
PL30876 | Mujeres y hombres en la España contemporánea: del siglo XX hasta nuestros días | 6 Credits |
PL30888 | Rebellion and utopia in Latin American popular struggles | 6 Credits |
Optional Units: Select 1 units from the following list: |
PL30108 | Politically committed European culture | 6 Credits |
PL30295 | In search of Europe (2): integration and disintegration in Europe since 1989 | 6 Credits |
PL30880 | The rise of the extreme right: from the margins to the mainstream | 6 Credits |
PL30902 | Contemporary critical thinkers: theory and praxes | 6 Credits |
PL30903 | Politics and religion in contemporary Europe | 6 Credits |
ZZ30004 | Director of Studies approved unit | 6 Credits |