Academic Year: | 2016/7 |
Owning Department/School: | Department of Computer Science |
Credits: | 6 [equivalent to 12 CATS credits] |
Notional Study Hours: | 120 |
Level: | Certificate (FHEQ level 4) |
Period: |
Assessment Summary: | CW 30%, EX 70% |
Assessment Detail: |
Supplementary Assessment: |
Requisites: | Before or while taking this module you must take CM10227 OR take XX10190 |
Description: | Aims: To introduce students to the layers and abstractions of modern computer systems architectures from machine level upwards. To understand the representation, storage, management and transmission of data on the computer and management of resources. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this unit students will be able to: 1. demonstrate knowledge of computer architectures and their abstractions, from hardware to the interface with operating systems; 2. identify the machine representation of key data forms and describe their machine level processing; 3. relate various forms of systems architecture and their interactions. Skills: Use of IT (T/F, A), Application of Number (T/F, A). Content: History of computing (overview). Architectures - non Neumann, Non-von Neumann, SIMD to MIMD. Principles of digital computer operation. Integer numbers: representations. Floating point numbers: representations, precision and accuracy. Introduction to digital logic, simplification of Boolean logic. Input and output: memory maps, polling, interrupts. Buses, devices and device addresses. Aspects of hardware: such as Arduino, tablets and phones. Introduction to C and developing with SDKs. Basic assembler concepts: machine codes, instruction execution, addressing modes, CISC v RISC, register use, subroutine calls and the stack. |
Programme availability: |
CM10194 is Compulsory on the following programmes:Department of Computer Science
CM10194 is Optional on the following programmes:Department of Mathematical Sciences