Academic Year: | 2016/7 |
Owning Department/School: | Department of Computer Science |
Credits: | 6 [equivalent to 12 CATS credits] |
Notional Study Hours: | 120 |
Level: | Intermediate (FHEQ level 5) |
Period: |
Assessment Summary: | CW50EX50 |
Assessment Detail: |
Supplementary Assessment: |
Requisites: | Before taking this module you must ( take CM10228 OR take XX10190 ) AND take CM20254 |
Description: | Aims: To present a detailed introduction to formal artificial intelligence To establish a practical understanding of intelligence and computation as strategies for problem solving, and the nature of the problems amenable to various established strategies and approaches. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. Understanding of a wide range of AI techniques, their advantages and disadvantages. 2. Appreciate AI as a mechanism to dealing with computationally hard problems in a practical manner 3. Understand the concepts of formal AI and put them into practice. 4. Write small to medium sized programs in a declarative manner and programming language Skills: Use of IT (T/F,A) Problem solving (T/F,A). Content: Intro: AI, Computer Science and Cognitive Science. Logical representations in AI. Probabilistic representations & uncertainty in AI. Search strategies: Antagonistic (mini-max) search strategies. Dynamic programming, greedy approaches, backtracking, branch & bound. Complexity: Computationally hard problems and how they relate to AI algorithms. Techniques: Introduction to machine learning (possible examples: Genetic algorithms & genetic programming) Decision trees & analysis, Constraint solving and satisfiability (SAT solving). Logic Programming (under the answer set semantics). Probabilistic model structures, Bayes nets, DAGs, constraint-based reasoning. Problems: Classic problems: board games, knapsack, traveling salesperson. Advanced problems such as: video-game design, bio-informatics, music composition, social simulation. Some aspects will be covered in more detail than others Coursework implementation to be in a declarative programming language. |
Programme availability: |
CM20252 is Compulsory on the following programmes:Department of Computer Science
CM20252 is Optional on the following programmes:Department of Computer Science