Academic Year: | 2016/7 |
Owning Department/School: | Department of Economics |
Credits: | 6 [equivalent to 12 CATS credits] |
Notional Study Hours: | 120 |
Level: | Intermediate (FHEQ level 5) |
Period: |
Assessment Summary: | CW 30%, EX 70% |
Assessment Detail: |
Supplementary Assessment: |
Requisites: | Before taking this module you must take ES10002 OR take ES10010 |
Description: | Aims: * To develop further students' understanding of macroeconomic theory. * To enable students to use macroeconomic models to interpret policy problems. * To be aware of the main contributions of the leading schools of macroeconomic thought. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course unit, students should be able to: * Understand and use for policy analysis a series of macroeconomic models. * Use their knowledge of theory to interpret problems in macroeconomic policy making. * Solve problems under exam conditions from the material learnt. Skills: Use and analysis of economic data; problem-solving; expressing understanding of macroeconomic theory and policy in written form through examination and coursework. Content: IS-LM analysis in an open economy context - the Mundell-Fleming Model; AD-AS analysis; aggregate supply and inflation; introduction to modelling expectations within macroeconomics. |
Programme availability: |
ES20013 is Compulsory on the following programmes:Department of Economics
ES20013 is Optional on the following programmes:School of Management