Academic Year: | 2016/7 |
Owning Department/School: | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Credits: | 6 [equivalent to 12 CATS credits] |
Notional Study Hours: | 120 |
Level: | Honours (FHEQ level 6) |
Period: |
Assessment Summary: | CW 25%, EX 75% |
Assessment Detail: |
Supplementary Assessment: |
Requisites: | Before taking this module you must take MA20227 |
Description: | Aims: To introduce the statistical terminology specific to medical applications; to describe a range of techniques suitable for use in typical medical problems; to focus on questions that are of particular interest to medical practitioners; and to emphasise the explanation of statistical ideas and methods to non-statisticians. Learning Outcomes: On completing the course, students should be able to: * recognise the key statistical features of a medical research problem, and, where appropriate, suggest an appropriate study design; * summarize medical data and identify possible sources of bias; * analyse data collected from routine medical data sources, epidemiological studies and clinical trials; * understand the ethical considerations and practical problems that govern medical experimentation. Skills: Numeracy T/F A Problem Solving T/F A Written and Spoken Communication T/F A Content: Revision of statistical tests set in a medical context and introduction of non-parametric tests. Measures of risk; incidence and prevalence and formulation of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. Methods of standardization and standardized mortality ratios. Demographic life tables. Diagnostic tests and measures of agreement. Design of medical experiments and ethical considerations. Clinical trials: phases I to IV of drug development and testing. Possible sources of bias in medical studies; randomization, blinding, patient withdrawals and "intent to treat" analysis. Observational studies; cohort and case control studies. Relative risks and odds ratios; developing hypothesis tests and confidence intervals and interpretation. Sample size calculations. Survival analysis: censoring, life tables, survivor and hazard functions, Kaplan-Meier product limit estimator, log-rank test, Cox's proportional hazards model. |
Programme availability: |
MA30086 is Optional on the following programmes:Department of Biology & Biochemistry
- TSMA-AFM08 : MSc Modern Applications of Mathematics
- TSMA-AWM14 : MSc Modern Applications of Mathematics
- USMA-AFB15 : BSc(Hons) Mathematical Sciences (Year 3)
- USMA-AAB16 : BSc(Hons) Mathematical Sciences with Study year abroad (Year 4)
- USMA-AKB16 : BSc(Hons) Mathematical Sciences with Year long work placement (Year 4)
- USMA-AFB13 : BSc(Hons) Mathematics (Year 3)
- USMA-AAB14 : BSc(Hons) Mathematics with Study year abroad (Year 4)
- USMA-AKB14 : BSc(Hons) Mathematics with Year long work placement (Year 4)
- USMA-AFM14 : MMath(Hons) Mathematics (Year 3)
- USMA-AFM14 : MMath(Hons) Mathematics (Year 4)
- USMA-AAM15 : MMath(Hons) Mathematics with Study year abroad (Year 4)
- USMA-AKM15 : MMath(Hons) Mathematics with Year long work placement (Year 4)
- USMA-AKM15 : MMath(Hons) Mathematics with Year long work placement (Year 5)
- USMA-AFB01 : BSc(Hons) Mathematics and Statistics (Year 3)
- USMA-AAB02 : BSc(Hons) Mathematics and Statistics with Study year abroad (Year 4)
- USMA-AKB02 : BSc(Hons) Mathematics and Statistics with Year long work placement (Year 4)
- USMA-AFB05 : BSc(Hons) Statistics (Year 3)
- USMA-AAB06 : BSc(Hons) Statistics with Study year abroad (Year 4)
- USMA-AKB06 : BSc(Hons) Statistics with Year long work placement (Year 4)