Corporate Supporters, Trusts And Foundations |
Adobe Systems Inc. |
Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) |
BLDA Architects |
Budweiser Brewing Group |
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission |
Cowrie Scholarship Foundation |
Enterprise Mobility |
Evolution Education Trust |
Flower Charitable Trust |
Foster + Partners |
J.P. Morgan |
James Tudor Foundation |
Johnson Health Tech UK Ltd |
Lisa May Foundation |
Merck Sharp & Dohme |
Microsoft Corporation |
Oner Active UK Ltd |
Qualasept Limited |
Royal Commonwealth Society |
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust |
Santander Universities |
The Andrew & Barbara White Charitable Trust |
The Annett Trust |
The Arthur Clements Trust |
The Esther Parkin Trust |
The George Cadbury Charitable Trust |
The Happold Foundation |
The Medlock Charitable Trust |
The Royal Society |
University of Bath UCU |
WestonWilliamson+Partners |
Yiangou Architects Ltd |
Corporate supporters, trusts and foundations 2023/24
We would like to express gratitude to all our donors who have supported us during the 2023/24 financial year.
If you have any questions, please contact us.