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Procedure for the appointment of a Pro-Vice-Chancellor

The procedure to follow when appointing a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.


In accordance with Section 7.2 of the Statutes, the Senior Academic Appointments Committee is responsible for considering and recommending to Council via Senate persons for appointment as Pro-Vice-Chancellor. The Committee is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor.

1 The Vice-Chancellor will invite the views of Vice-Chancellor's Group, Deans/Heads of School, Heads of Academic and Professional Services Departments on the vacancy for Pro-Vice-Chancellor, particularly the proposed remit of the post. Other interested parties relevant to the specific remit of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor will also be consulted as appropriate. The consultation will be by e-mail and/or meeting(s) as necessary.

2 A job description, person specification, notice of vacancy and candidate brief will be prepared by the Vice-Chancellor and the Director of Human Resources.

3 Following notice of the vacancy on the University's Website and receipt of expressions of interest in the vacancy, the Vice-Chancellor will meet with prospective candidates for the vacancy as necessary.

4.The Vice-Chancellor will recommend the candidate(s) for consideration by the Senior Academic Appointments Committee. The Committee will then recommend the selected candidate for appointment by Council via Senate.

5 A letter of appointment will be sent by the Director of Human Resources to the successful candidate following the meeting of Council.


1 If the Vice-Chancellor decides to recruit externally for a Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the procedure for recruitment of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor will apply (except that the Deputy Vice-Chancellor can be selected for the Search Committee or Interview Panel).

2 Internal candidates are eligible to apply for vacancies subject to external recruitment. The advertisement for any such vacancy will be placed on the University's Website.

3 The Vice-Chancellor will determine whether to recommend to the Senior Academic Appointments Committee that the existing postholder continue for a further term by reviewing their performance and following appropriate consultation within the University. If the existing postholder is recommended by the Committee and Senate to continue for a further term, this will be subject to appointment by Council and then announced on the University's Website.

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