Our students are based at one of our Red-ALERT 4 Higher Education institutions, whilst working collaboratively with supervisors from more than one of those institutions, and receive support and expertise from our many external partners.
University of Bath
Research Project: Establishing a new effect-directed analysis platform for understanding exposure risks of hazardous chemicals and their mixtures'.
Lead Supervisor: Professor Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern
External Partner: Wessex WaterChloe INGHAM
Research Project: Development of novel assays for PFAS pollutant compounds for incorporation into in-situ lab-on-chip sensors for freshwater environmental monitoring.
Lead Supervisor: Professor Simon Lewis
External Partner: Clearwater SensorsJaveria MUNAWAR
Research Project: An e-DNA probe to enable microbial source apportionment from environmental samples.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Tom Arnott
Bangor University
Research Project: Source tracking and risk assessment of human pathogens in riverine water.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Kata Farkas
External Partner: Dwr Cymru, Welsh WaterYashi JAIN
Research Project: Factors controlling microplastic-pathogen interactions in watercourses.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Karina Marsden
External Partner: Dwr Cymru, Welsh WaterAdam WINROW
Research Project: Modelling the fate of wastewater-derived human pathogenic fungi from catchment to coast.
Lead Supervisor: Professor Peter Robins
External Partner: Dwr Cymru, Welsh Water
Cardiff University
Research Project: A change in the water?: Using multidisciplinary approaches to leverage understanding of freshwater invertebrate responses to multiple environmental stressors.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Tom BishopMaya LHOSTE
Research Project: STREAM: Study of Two Rivers’ eDNA and Anthropogenic Pollutant Monitoring.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Pablo Orozco Ter Wengel
External Partner: Afonydd CymruYanting ZHANG
Research Project: Transport and spatial distribution of microplastics and byproducts, and associated risks to freshwater ecosystems.
Lead Supervisor: Professor Catherine Wilson
External Partner: Dwr Cymru, Welsh Water
University of Exeter
Research Project: Assessing Impacts of Combined Sewage Overflows and Surface Water Outfalls on Invertebrate Populations in River Catchments in Southwest England.
Lead Supervisor: Professor Charles TylerEleanor KIRK
Research Project: Novel methodologies to assess the environmental health of freshwater systems.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Robert Ellis
External Partner: EmbryoPhenomics CICHolly ROBERTS
Research Project: Future Fibres: A OneHealth approach to tracking microfibres through the wastewater system.
Lead Supervisor: Dr Ceri Lewis
External Partner: South West Water