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Behavioural Economics Seminar 2020

Come along to this two-day seminar to find out about applied behavioural science and insights.

  • 12 Mar 2020, 10.00am to 13 Mar 2020, 4.15pm GMT
  • 10 West 2.47, 10 West, University of Bath
  • This event is free

This event brings together specialists in the area of behavioural science and its application. Join this seminar to learn about research and experiences across a range of sectors in this field. See the itinerary and find out more about the speakers below:


Thursday 12 March 2020 Speaker/Activity Time About the speaker
Guy Campniss 10am Guy is a consultant, advisor and educator, in applied behavioural science, behavioural design and innovation.
Jez Groom 11.15am Jez has over 10 years of experience practically applying behavioural science in business.
Lunch 12.15pm
Benno Guenther 1.15pm Benno works applying behavioural insights to financial markets, the environment and aviation, amongst others.
Quique Belenguer (online) 2.30pm Quique is the head of the Behavioural economics group within one of Spain's largest banks, and a global player in banking and finance, BBVA.
Friday 13 March 2020
Richard Wright (online) 9.15am Richard is a strategic behavioural science leader. He has spearheaded leading-edge industrial consumer research to deliver innovative solutions within developed and developing markets.
André Pinto (online) 10.30am André is a Behavioural Advisor at Cloo - Behavioural Insight Unit. His work includes developing public policies to promote pro-environmental behaviours, exploring behavioural factors associated with workplace accidents and public integrity.
Andy Tope 11.45am Andy is currently the lead for Global Behavioural Science group at Imperial Brands PLC.
Lunch 1`2.45pm
Philip Corr 2pm Philip is a Professor of Psychology, and Behavioural Economics/Science at City, University of London.
Jose Arellano (online) 3.15pm Jose is Founder and Director of Heuristica, an advisory firm in Peru applying insights from the behavioural sciences to market research and innovation, for private and public clients.

This event has been organised by the following students of the MSc Applied Psychology and Economic Behaviour:

  • Daniel Naranjo Rendon
  • Abhi Ranasinghe Arachchige
  • Sam Ross
  • Alejandro Vargas Bittencourt


The workshop will take place in 10 West 2.47

10 West 2.47 10 West University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any queries about this workshop, please contact us: