The Centre for Qualitative Research is running a series of South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP)-Funded Demand-Led Qualitative Innovation Sessions.
This webinar is part of the demand-led qualitative innovation sessions. These sessions will provide a deeper and more theoretical exploration of qualitative methods. These webinar-style sessions will consist of 5 stand-alone Demand-Led Qualitative Innovations sessions, delivered on a monthly basis to up to 300 students online. View an overview of all workshops in this series.
Summary of Webinar 2
This session will help qualitative researchers make informed decisions about engaging in open science practices and secondary analysis of qualitative data, as well as assessing the risks and benefits of open science practices in qualitative inquiry.
Webinar leader
Dr. Katherine Tamminen is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education at the University of Toronto. Her research program in sport psychology focuses on two main areas:
- stress, coping, and emotion regulation
- youth athletes’ experiences in sport and the influence of parents and coaches in youth sport
Her research draws on various qualitative approaches, including grounded theory, phenomenology, and narrative analysis.
Her work is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the Province of Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, and she has published over 85 research articles and book chapters on the topics of stress, coping, emotion, and youth sport.
Dr. Tamminen is currently the President of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) and serves as an Associate Editor for the journal International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.