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The green transition and zones of sacrifice: the case of electric cars

Can our demand for electric cars be satisfied without causing environmental and social harm?

  • 19 Nov 2019, 1.15pm to 19 Nov 2019, 2.15pm GMT
  • 3.15, The Chancellors' Building, University of Bath

Join us for our lunchtime Research Seminar Series where we showcase research from our department and invite guest speakers to present on their work. The event lasts an hour, with about 45 minutes of research presentation and 15 minutes for questions at the end. The topics are as varied as the research centres within the department: the Centre for Development Studies (CDS), the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy (CASP) and the Centre for Death and Society (CDAS).


This webinar is being organised in the context of the pop-up centre on social justice and sustainability in the extractive industry, and the context of an inter-faculty case study teaching initiative at the University of Bath.

The case study examines the social, economic and environmental consequences of the rising demand for lithium, a key component in electric car batteries. If you would like to read the case study prior to the seminar, please contact Séverine Deneulin.

Speaker (via web video conferencing)

Ramon Morales Balcazar is director of Fundación Tantí (a Chilean non-governmental organisation), a member of the Plurinational Observatory of Andean Salt Flats, and a PhD student in Rural Development at the Metropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM – Xochimilco).



3.15 The Chancellors' Building University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

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