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Annual leave

Information about annual leave entitlements, calculations and the harmonisation of leave years.

Introduction to annual leave

We encourage you to use your annual leave entitlement throughout the year, as part of a positive work-life balance.

All annual leave must be requested an approved through iTrent using Employee Self-Service (ESS).

It is important to emphasise that annual leave needs to be requested by you and approved by your line manager before it is confirmed. Requests will not be unreasonably refused but there could be reasons that you are unware of why your request may have to be rejected. Therefore, it is important that you wait until you have received the electronic confirmation that your leave request has been approved before booking any accommodation, flights etc. for a holiday.

Here is information about leave entitlements, calculations and the harmonisation of leave years.

Booking annual leave

How to book a holiday

Amending your leave

How to amend annual leave you have booked

Leave entitlements

How annual leave entitlements are calculated

Starters & leavers

How annual leave is calculated if you start or leave the University

Sickness during annual leave

If you fall sick during the course of annual leave you are regarded as being on sick leave from the date specified on a doctor’s medical note. You are entitled to take the balance of the annual leave at a later date after returning to work.

If you are absent from work due to sickness you will continue to accrue annual leave and will be entitled to take this balance on your return to work. Read our guidance on sickness absence

Carrying over unused leave

What happens if you do not use your full leave entitlement within the leave year