General information
- How to borrow, return and renew books
- How to place a hold/reservation: when all copies of a book are on loan
- Information about fines
- How to get a library card
- What is my Library PIN?
- How to use the Library Self-Issue machines
- Library video guides: brief video guides describing various library services and functions
- How to photocopy, print and fax
- How to reference and avoid plagiarism
- Services for Users with Disabilities
- Deposit your dissertation online with the Library
Advice for Postgraduate students
Research Postgraduate information
- How to submit your thesis
- Library Training Events for Researchers
- Researcher Development Tutorial: reviewing literature, managing records, search tips, intellectual property, writing skills
- Research Services: advice on open access publication, copyright, attracting citations, measuring impact & journal rankings
Finding books and articles
Find recommended books & articles from your reading lists and additional literature on a topic by searching the Library Catalogue.
You can find the catalogue search screen on the Library Homepage
Course leaders expect you find find books and articles beyond those that they recommend. This can help you achieve higher marks.
You can find further literature on a topic by using resources selected by professional library staff for your subject.
To help you find relevant information, the Library also provides training events, guides and tutorials
Help with access to online resources
Advice to help Library users access online resources on and off campus and how to confirm if items are available online from the Library or not.
Advice for other student groups
Library Support for students at Partner Colleges
Widening Participation student groups include:
- Foundation Degree and Honours Year Students who are also studying at partner colleges & institutions
- Broadening and Developing Participation - students undertaking A-level projects, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) or International Baccalaureate (IB) can supplement their research through access to our resources
School and College Visitors: This page provides information for school teachers and librarians interested in arranging a visit to the Library for their students.