You can register your interest in our 2025 Open Days. These are on:
- Friday 13 June
- Saturday 14 June
- Saturday 11 October
Why you should register for Open Days
If you're planning to come to one of our Open Days, you should register your interest as soon as you can to avoid missing out on:
- subject talks and demonstrations from academic departments
- general talks and tours about:
- accommodation
- admissions
- sports
- the Students’ Union
- employability
If you register your interest, we'll email you with a link to the booking form as soon as booking opens, giving you the best chance of getting a place on the talks and tours you want to join.
You might be able to book places on talks and tours if you haven't registered, but the sessions are very popular and we have a limited number of spaces for each one.
Your booking includes you and one other guest. You can't book places for more people. This is to make sure as many people as possible can get into our popular talks and tours.
When you can register
You can register your interest in our Open Days all year round except when booking is open for talks and tours.
You can book tickets for talks and tours at our 2025 Open Days from April 2025.
Bringing guests to Open Days
You're welcome to bring as many guests as you like to an Open Day. Besides the talks and tours, there's plenty you can see around campus together, including the:
- Information Fair
- Sports Training Village
- Library
- Students' Union
- accommodation
Find out more about what to expect from our Open Days.
School and group registration
We don't have a system for group registration.
If you'd like to arrange for a group of students to come to an Open Day, each of them should register their interest and book their talks and tours themselves.
You can also organise a school or college group visit outside our Open Days.
Cancelling your registration
If you've registered your interest but you're not able to attend the Open Day, you don't need to cancel. Please ignore the email about bookings when you get it.