ED&I resource bank
This database has been developed to support individuals, teams, and institutions in developing and implementing diversity strategies. By sharing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)-related initiatives and reports from organisations and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in this repository, users can learn from the good practice of others.
The EDI Resource Bank brings together two types of materials:
EDI reports - Resources produced by organisations supporting teaching and research in HEIs
EDI initiatives - Resources produced to improve EDI within organisations and institutions
In bringing these materials together which are otherwise disparate, the EDI Resource Bank enables users to understand and critique their local environment in relation to the national picture. This supports the development of materials and processes within individual departments and institutions by hosting examples of good practice from around the UK. Anybody can upload reports and resources to the EDI Resource Bank; these will then be moderated by members of the University of Nottingham’s EDI Team before going live. The University of Nottingham’s EDI Team also update the EDI Resource Bank regularly.
The EDI Resource Bank portal was developed as part of the STEMM-Change project at the University of Nottingham, funded by the Inclusion Matters programme, but hosts resources relevant to all areas of research and teaching across HEIs.
Your resource library
Your EDI Team has pulled together this library of resources to aid you in the aim of creating a truly inclusive environment:
UK Universities’ Response to Black Lives Matter. Halpin research into universities response to Black Lives Matter.
WHEN Report on COVID and Caring. This report summarises the findings of a survey of over 1,000 professional services' parents.
Menopause awareness and higher education. Guidance developed by Advance HE.
AdvanceHE short films on Black Male Voices. AdvanceHE has launched a series of videos exploring racism through the voice of Black men.
Audit Framework and Checklist. University of Wolverhampton E&D Audit Framework and Checklists for HEI.
Dept. Code of Conduct. Example of good practice for a departmental draft Inclusive Code of Conduct.
Unconscious Bias Promotions Checklist. A checklist tool to ensure your promotions are free from bias.
Advance HE Increasing Diversity. Report on tackling underrepresentation of protected student groups.
Black Lives Matter Toolkit. This toolkit was created to collate, condense, and share the lessons.
Listen to Brené Brown's podcast to hear stories that reflect the universal experiences of being human.
Listen to a series of podcasts on Soundcloud about BAME women scientists in life sciences from the Department of Biology and Biochemistry.
Inclusion posters
ED&I team created and put together a collection of posters for you to download. You can print and hang them on the door or add to your desktop as a background or find other creative ways to visibly promote equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging.