Bath Physics Leadership Day

Bath Physics Leadership Day

As part of the Research Culture Fund project in Physics, we have arranged external training for the physics department by Dr Chris Russell

By Research and Innovation Services, University of Bath

Date and time

Tuesday, June 18 · 9:30am - 5pm GMT+1


University of Bath

University of Bath Claverton Down BA2 7AY United Kingdom

About this event

  • 7 hours 30 minutes

As part of the Research Culture Fund project in Physics, we have arranged external training for the physics department by Dr Chris Russell on leadership. This training is targeted towards early career research and will cover what leadership is, what role it plays in your research career and how can show leadership working with others.

The training is limited to 24 people, priority is first given to postdocs, fellows and PhD students*.

About this event

As part of the Research Culture Fund project in Physics, we have arranged external training for the physics department by Dr Chris Russell on leadership. Chris has a background in physics research and so has experience in working in academic research. You can learn a bit more about his workshops here. Chris came highly recommended as a trainer and more details on what the training will entail are provided below:

This is taking place in 8 West 3.15

Morning session

Direction and Decision Making - Exploring vision, strategy and purpose.

In this session, we will explore concepts of leadership and what they mean to us. We will focus on having a vision for the future, developing realistic strategies to get there, and how to bring people on board to make progress. We’ll explore how to make great decisions. How do we evaluate situations to ensure our choices are robust? How do we flex and adapt as situations change? This first session will bring the group together to share experiences and create personal leadership goals. We will introduce the leadership case study.

Afternoon session

People and Presence - Exploring productivity, motivation and authentic leadership.

In this session, we will explore our awareness. Of ourselves, others and the environment in which we work. We will consider how this helps us motivate, manage and make progress. We will explore the practicalities of leadership for you. In what roles and contexts will you be practising your leadership? How will you remain authentic, intentional and people-focused whilst you do? And what do you need in order to realise your leadership goals? This second session will focus on tools and techniques to inspire future action. We will complete the leadership case study and think about the next steps.

Workshop schedule

09:30 – Arrivals and coffee

10:00 – Introduction & Welcome

What is leadership? - Inspirations, aspiration and everyday action

Introduction to Resilient Leaders Elements - A leadership framework

Clarity of Direction - Exploring Vision & Strategy

11:30 – Break

11:45 – Resilient Decision Making - Choosing, change and contingency

What influences our decisions? - Cultural and organisational considerations

Leadership case study - part 1 - Dream research team

13:00 – Lunch

14:00 – Awareness - Working well with others

What do people need to succeed? - Motivation, meaning and effective management

15:30 – Break

15:45 – Leadership Presence - Developing style and authenticity.

Leadership case study - part 3 - A time to review

Next steps and action planning

17:00 – Close

This is a free event.

The training is limited to 24 people, priority is first given to postdocs, fellows and PhD students. If there are still spaces available, it will be open to everyone in Physics in due course.

Registration is required to accommodate dietary allergies or restrictions.


If you have any questions about the leadership training course, please contact Carolin Villforth (

*The training will be most relevant for PhD students towards the end of their PhD.

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