Each institution is only permitted one application to the Leverhulme Research Leadership Awards. As such RIS is running a demand management process to ensure the best placed candidate is supported in their application.

Leverhulme’s 2022 deadline is 10 June 2022. We are therefore operating under the assumption that candidates coming forward for selection at this stage have a well advanced and clear plan for what they would like to do with the research funding.

If you would like to be considered, please provide a maximum of two sides of A4 with the following information based on the scheme requirements:

  • summary of the ‘distinctive research problem’ you plan to work on and how you believe it will ‘significantly change the established landscape’ in your field of enquiry
  • summary of your proposed four to five year research plan together with your thoughts on the scale of the team or group you will bring together
  • summary of your suitability for the scheme based on the eligibility criteria and your career history to date – what evidence do you have that your research contribution has not become firmly established? (please see scheme guidance for eligibility criteria, the competition is not aimed at candidates who are established professors, senior staff who already have a portfolio of grant funding or those that already lead a team)
  • timeline for grant preparation leading up to the 10 June deadline including opportunities for peer review and adhering to the internal PAM requirements

Please note, that the information should be provided as if communicating to a generalist audience to mirror the Leverhulme decision making process.

Please send your two pages to the Research Development team in Research and Innovation Services (RIS) by 12pm on 10 May 2022. Email: resdev@bath.ac.uk.

A decision will be made by senior leadership and communicated to candidates as soon as possible after the deadline.