Our Proposal to Award Management (PAM) system, for internally costing and approving your research funding applications, will be completely unavailable for use from 23 to 29 October for costing and workflow (and even for reference purposes).

Agresso will be taken offline at 4pm on the 22 October. As a result of this downtime please:

  • plan your work accordingly so proposal costings which require submission to funder within the period 23 to 29 October are submitted for internal approval with plenty of time to complete the workflow

  • download the relevant output report from the system before 4pm on the 22nd if you have any costing information you need to access during the period of downtime

As part of the upgrade, the electronic forms that integrate with PAM (EIRA1, LURS, EQR) will also be locked for editing during this period, so please plan your work accordingly.

The Pre-Award team in Research and Innovation Services (RIS) will still be available during this period if you have any questions about developing your proposal. We will likewise not have any access to PAM in order to assist with costings.

Please also let us know if you are planning to submit a proposal during the following week (up to 6 November) so we have plenty of advanced warning about these following the period of downtime.