Over the past few months, we’ve been reviewing feedback from across the University, most recently when we tested the Staff ‘Home’ page. One of the things you told us is that it was hard to get to the information you needed. As a result, we've been working on ways to improve navigation.

You may have noticed our enhanced navigation bar. This was designed to provide additional navigation options which can help you get to related areas of content or interest.

Enhanced navigation bar

Today, we’re introducing the new Department listing pages to replace the old ‘Department’ landing page, which you can access from the 'Department' link in the global navigation (the navigation which appears at the top of every webpage) or when you search for 'departments'. This work marks one of the final steps in transitioning the University website into a modern, mobile-responsive design.

The new Department listing pages contain a series of options which will make it easier for you to get to the information you need. They include links to the University’s academic departments, research centres and institutes, as well as professional services and campus amenities.

A screenshot of the new department landing page

The original departmental landing page did not contain a list of all the University departments and services. This made it harder to find information.

A screenshot of the old department landing page

The new Department listing pages are now in line with the rest of the website. These pages all use similar navigational elements, which make it easier to find things. This means you don't need to relearn how to use the site every time you visit a different page.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the website, please use the ‘Suggest an improvement’ link at the bottom of the page.