Vice-Chancellor’s report

The Vice-Chancellor presented his formal report on key issues facing the University. He also gave assurances on fire safety in student accommodation, reported on action taken to support Bath’s students in Hong Kong and Chile, the upcoming industrial action, the recent EPSRC visit hosted by Prof Jonathan Knight, work revising the Concordat on Research Integrity and the appointment of Prof Pete Walker as the new Climate Action Framework Lead.

Curriculum Transformation

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching) explained that the deadlines for submission of undergraduate programmes for Phase 2/3 had been extended following substantial consultation. A fuller update on timelines and planning for Curriculum Transformation would be submitted to Senate in February 2020.

Annual Quality report

Senate discussed the draft Annual Quality Report and, with some additional suggestions, recommended it for submission to Council to provide assurance on the quality and standards of our educational provision.

Academic Key Performance Indicators

Senate considered the latest benchmarked data and trend series of institutional performance with a range of academic KPIs.

Postgraduate Surveys

Senate discussed the results from the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2019 (PRES) and Professional Doctorate Experience Survey 2019 (PDES), and noted the actions going forward into 2019/20.

University Independent Advisor for Postgraduate Research Students

Senate discussed the annual report for 2018/19 from Prof Marcelle McManus, the University Independent Advisor for Postgraduate Research Students. Several serious concerns were raised, including issues of support and culture in some areas. It was agreed these would be considered in detail further by senior management. The Vice-Chancellor thanked Prof McManus for all her work on this. A report will be brought back to the February meeting of Senate.

Deputy Independent Advisor for Postgraduate Research Students

Senate appointed Dr Jannis Wenk as Deputy Independent Advisor for Postgraduate Research Students with immediate effect for three years. Dr James Gregory is the other Deputy working with Prof McManus.

Research Assessment

Senate discussed the reasons for the decision by the University Executive Board not to sign up to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

Library Annual Report

Senate discussed the annual report from the Library for 2018/19.

Academic Year Dates 2021/22

Senate approved Academic Year dates for 2021/22. The web pages will be updated.

Resolution of Academic Assembly – Climate Emergency

Senate considered a Resolution from Academic Assembly proposing that the University declare a Climate Emergency. Senate endorsed the Resolution and agreed to forward it to Council for consideration.

Effectiveness Review of Senate

Senate noted an update on the work of the Effectiveness Review Group.